Getting closer(m!reader)

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Zen'in maki

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Zen'in maki

The only thing that was on your mind for a while now, she's strong, beautiful, and not to mention she's your classmate

You always try to sit in the back to at least see her, the woman that you're obsessed with, not in a bad way

Since you have been observing her, you know a lot about her like that she has three (3) close friends and they are


Inumaki toge

Okkotsu Yuta

They're all close and to top it off Yuta transferred to this school not even two months ago

And you been here the whole year and were too shy to approach her

She also was a twin sister

Zen'in Mai

it doesn't look like they get along but who are you to judge

Oh and you're friends with Mai, how it happened we will never know

The teacher just put us together for a group project and boom

You're best friends, and if you are curious yes Mai knows that you like her sister

"Why don't you just talk to the hard-headed loser?"

"Mai don't be like that, you know very well I'm scared of rejection"

You told her while pouting, it was true you didn't want to be rejected

"Then stop complaining to me" she replied annoyed, not at you but at your blabbering about her sister. You just wanted to be closer to the older twin sister

"Alright talk to you later" she said again while glancing at the clock above the blackboard and like that she left to go sit in her destined seat which was at the front

'Loser' you snicker while watching her go to the front, you wouldn't want to sit there


Time skippp


The bell just ran meaning that you can finally go eat your lunch with Mai

"Hey (y/n)!" You yelped when someone yelled your name across the classroom, you look in the direction you heard it from, and there she was Mai standing next to maki and her friends

So you got up got your bag and walked towards Mai, you couldn't look at the older twin you were too embarrassed because mai yelled your name out loud

The other people that were watching looked away, they thought something happened that's why they looked over but nothing of interest

"Hello maki, what do you want Mai?" You asked the girl in front of you but you didn't forget to say hello to maki, you have to be polite if you want her to notice you

"Hey (y/n), we were wondering if you wanted to eat lunch together today?" Maki smiled at you while asking


Maki asking you to eat lunch with you?? Lil ol' you?!?!

" YES- I mean yes I would love to" you said smiling while scratching the back of your neck

"Great let's go guys" she replied and took your wrist and leaving the younger twin sister

"Hey! Wait for me" the lass screeched while she ran toward you and her sister and maki's friends trailing behind Mai

When you got to the cafeteria it was packed if you even looked around you wouldn't find a place to sit so what's the best thing to do? Go to the rooftop of course

And onward you went still with everyone following you guys

"Where even are we going?" Mai groaned a few steps behind you and maki, you turned around to face her and replied

"To the rooftop, where else do you want to eat?" Not to say being dragged around is the best but you get the point

You guys already arrived at the door connecting the stairs to get up there and well what do you guess one of maki's friends had the key to the roof

It was kind of surprising that a quiet, shy type of guy had the key it was toge but who are you to complain at least you get to eat lunch but when you got up there you realized something

You left your bento in your school bag that was in your class!

'Oh God this is kind of embarrassing to say, especially that maki is here' you pondered what to tell them and decided to just say it go take the bento and get back as fast as possible

"Hey guys, I kind of left my bento in my bag, I will go take it and be back as fast as possible, alright?" you told them while scratching your cheek in embarrassment then you turn around and ran off to your classroom

When you got there you went to your assigned seat and look thru your bag for the bento it wasn't hard to find it but when you were crouching down you heard the door open and someone walking in

You turn your head to look who would have come here in the middle of lunch, everyone was with their friends for all you knew, and surprise surprise it was maki

"You didn't have to go with me Zen'in-san" you informed her

" I know I wanted to and please don't call me that, maki is fine," she said walking toward you and crouching down next to you and plopping her elbow on her knee while her holding her head in her hand

You smiled at her with a tiny blush covering your cheeks and went back to get your bento out and put it on your table with that you stood up and maki followed with the action

"Hey (y/n)" the girl said bringing your attention from your bento to her "Yes?" You questioned her

"Are you single?" you were not expecting that from her, and she knew that because she saw you freeze up

"W-where did that come from" from the question you stuttering ' why did I stutter!?'

" genuine question, I'm just interested in you"

'OKAY WHAT ' you felt that your cheeks are getting hotter by the minute so not to be more embarrassed you closed your eyes shut tight

You feel someone touch your cheeks and you opened your eyes and saw her smiling at you

"I like you (y/n), let's get to know each other and we might get closer"

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