Getting closer(f!reader)

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Zen'in maki

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Zen'in maki

The only thing that was on your mind for a while now, she's strong, beautiful, and not to mention she's your classmate

You always try to sit in the back to at least see her, the woman that you're obsessed with, not in a bad way

Since you have been observing her, you know a lot about her like that she has three (3) close friends and they are


Inumaki toge

Okkotsu Yuta

They're all close and to top it off Yuta transferred to this school not even two months ago

And you been here the whole year and were too shy to approach her

She also was a twin sister

Zen'in Mai

it doesn't look like they get along but who are you to judge

Oh and you're friends with Mai, how it happened we will never know

The teacher just put us together for a group project and boom

You're best friends, and if you are curious yes Mai knows that you like her sister

"Why don't you just talk to the hard-headed loser?"

"Mai don't be like that, you know very well I'm scared of rejection"

You told her while pouting, it was true you didn't want to be rejected

"Then stop complaining to me" she replied annoyed, not at you but at your blabbering about her sister. You just wanted to be closer to the older twin sister

"Alright talk to you later" she said again while glancing at the clock above the blackboard and like that she left to go sit in her destined seat which was at the front

'Loser' you snicker while watching her go to the front, you wouldn't want to sit there


Time skippp


The bell just ran meaning that you can finally go eat your lunch with Mai

"Hey (y/n)!" You yelped when someone yelled your name across the classroom, you look in the direction you heard it from, and there she was Mai standing next to maki and her friends

Hearts | jjk one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora