Chapter 022

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[The photos used are not mine; credits to their respective owners🥺]


"Yuna, I think I'm royally fucked up," The book falls out of Yuna's hands in surprise when Wonyoung suddenly barges into her room, her face filled with an emotion Yuna had yet to see; anxiety.

"What happened?" Yuna immediately picked the book up and set it aside, uneasy with Wonyoung's sudden outburst. It was unusual for the younger to express any sort of emotion, at all.

"My cigarettes are missing! My mother must've found them. Ah, shit..." Wonyoung frets as she starts to pace around the room, biting her nails as Yuna immediately gets up to close the door to prevent her mother from overhearing their conversation.

"Alright, where did you last see them?" Yuna sighs as she rubs her forehead, watching Wonyoung continue to pace around while gripping her head, eyes frantic.

"Well, the last time I smoked was when I came over on Monday," Wonyoung muttered as she slowly brought her hands down when Yuna ushered her to sit on the bed to calm down.

"So it might be here! You sit and calm down, I'll help you find it," Yuna only starts to move away when Wonyoung gives an uncertain nod, a look of anxiety and confusion written all over her face.

Yuna searched high up her drawers and shelves, and got on her knees to check on the floor or under the bed. When she got up from the floor, she let out a heavy breath before walking to her desk, rummaging through everything.

She let out a small sigh of relief seeing the packet hidden beneath all her papers for school, turning around to toss it over to the younger who sat on the bed, staring keenly at her.

Wonyoung caught it in her hands with ease, sighing as her features relaxed seeing the box. She muttered a small thank you to Yuna before reaching into her jean pocket and taking out her lighter.

Seeing Wonyoung put the cigarette in between her lips before blowing out a puff of smoke, somehow irked Yuna. How could she, a talented young girl waste her youth away by smoking just because she had too many worries?

Yuna knew it wasn't even half the reason why she was feeling so angry and confused, but she snatched the cigarette from Wonyoung before dropping it on the floor, putting it out by continuously stomping on it.

Wonyoung stared in disbelief as Yuna wiped away the ash on her sock, her eyes lit up with anger and, she believed, a mix of confusion. Though her feelings were quite hurt by Yuna's actions, she decided to try and coax the elder.

"Yuna?" Wonyoung uttered unsurely, standing up slowly before approaching Yuna who had her eyes trained on the ground as they darted around. She was very obviously lost, but both girls didn't know what.

"What's happening? I haven't been feeling well since meeting Kai. I had a headache and terrible stomach pain. My cheeks were so hot...oh my god I think I've fallen for him. Wonyoung this is bad, I've never-"

Wonyoung managed to cut Yuna's ranting short by shaking her shoulders, staring at her in pure confusion as she could not get a single word out of Yuna's fast-paced talking. Yuna released a tiny sigh, locking eyes with Wonyoung unsurely.

"I have a crush on Kai," Yuna mumbled, rubbing her fingers together seeing Wonyoung's blank face trying to process Yuna's confession. She snapped out of it, staring at Yuna in surprise.

"Oh. My. God." Wonyoung provided uselessly, making Yuna roll her eyes. Wonyoung immediately snapped out of it, pulling her to the bed as she demanded to know everything.

"We were hanging out in the library. He was playing his game, and then when he told me about the storyline, I kind of fell in love. I don't know, it was such a weird situation to fall for him.

I got so flustered that I left the library immediately. Then I got all those weird symptoms. Ew," Yuna shuddered, to which Wonyoung replied with a small laugh at how foreign the topic of love seemed to Yuna.

"That's not weird symptoms. The stomach pain is butterflies in your stomach. Your cheeks felt hot because you were flustered. The headache must be because you were very confused at the time," Wonyoung managed to explain patiently to the elder.

"What do I do Wonyoung? I'm not qualified in this sector," Yuna muttered nervously, making Wonyoung pursed her lips. She furrowed her eyebrows as she thought about it, her hand immediately starting to peel off the dry skin on the palm of her other hand.

"I don't get why you just use lotion," Yuna muttered seeing Wonyoung continuously peeling the skin on her palm. Wonyoung gives a weak smile before her eyes brighten slightly, having finally thought of a solution.

"Yuna, whatever you do, don't conceal your feelings. It's important you tell him how you feel, sooner rather than later." Wonyoung continues to explain with many details but it goes into Yuna's right ear and exits by the left as she thought more about the first thing Wonyoung said to her.

Wonyoung, upon noticing that Yuna had logged off and was not taking in any more information that she was giving, she let out a small huff before reluctantly taking the elder's hand in hers.

"Just slay like you always do," Wonyoung offered, a tug on her lips making Yuna slightly touch. Both girls were known for not being touchy and they rarely had any skinship, so Yuna appreciated Wonyoung's effort.

When Wonyoung tried to pull her hand away, thinking that Yuna had cleared her head, Yuna squeezed her hand, attracting Wonyoung's attention again. She sat up straighter, piercing Wonyoung with her gaze as she continued to hold her hand.

"What goes on at home? You have to tell me," Yuna tried calmly, rubbing circles on Wonyoung's thumb when she shifted around uncomfortably. Yuna couldn't let her off the hook this time, she needed a valid reason to provide Wonyoung the escape that was smoking.

The duo stared into the other's eyes, willing for the other to break. Wonyoung let out a small, inaudible sigh as she shook her hand out of Yuna's grasp, awkwardly stuffing it in between her legs.

"Dad's not in the running anymore, so my mother is suspicious when he keeps telling her he's meeting up with the president to discuss the next election.

My mother got someone to investigate and found out he's been cheating on her. She's still a bit shaken up that he has a mistress, so she's taking out her stress in not-so-healthy ways.

I haven't been coming over too often because I know it's hard for her, but I really need this right now Yuna. I hope you continue to understand."

Wonyoung glanced unsurely at Yuna, whose eyes were slightly widened and lips parted. Wonyoung lowered her gaze to her lap, disappointed before she let out a gasp when Yuna flung herself onto her.

"Oh, Wonyoung. It must have been hard," Yuna whispered as she held Wonyoung tighter. Against her will, Wonyoung's lip quivered as a tear slipped down her cheek, returning the hug to Yuna.

All along, she needed the comfort of a real friend.



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