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That was.....smooth. Damn this man. The bartender gave me a smirk as he served me my shots. I took them and was about to go to the table when Linn stopped me midway.

"P? You look so different tonight. How come you didn't answer my calls?"

"Nong. I thought I made it clear? Why are you still calling and texting me?"

"Look P. I told you, don't worry about my boyfriend. He's a psycho. I'm going to leave him. I really like you. I want to be with you."

"Leave him first then you can come confessing your feelings."

I wanted to walk away but she refused to give me way. I wasn't the kind to pull or push a woman and so I glared at her but she was so stubborn. Just then, I saw her being pulled away. I looked in surprise as Park's face appeared.


"It's you again. Can't you take a hint?! You are always behaving like you are his boyfriend or something."

"Well you aren't his girlfriend right? And he made it very clear to you he doesn't even want to talk to you. Which part of that, you can't understand?"

"You! Who do you think you are?!"

"The one I like Linn. He's the one I like. Now is that clear enough an answer or do you need me to spell it out?"

Linn stared at me in shock whilst I just looked at Park. He took my tray of drinks, held onto my hand and brought me away. We went back to our table like that and there was a minute of silence for a while. A full blown minute of silence. I took away my hand and just muttered Linn was giving me trouble so Park rescued me.

Park didn't say anything to contradictory to it and just agreed and sat down. Though everyone fell into conversation after that, both of us were super quiet and didn't say a single word. I just slammed my shots whilst Park just looked at his phone. He got busy on it and then a message beeped on mine. I looked down to see a message from him.

"Go out. I want to talk to you."

I made some excuse and left first and Park followed me after, stating a smoke break. I waited for him near the bikes and he walked over to me.

Before I could say anything, Park asked me, "Did you mean that? Those words you said to Linn? Did you mean it?"

"Park.. I know you aren't a relationship kind of person. Please don't be angry. What I mean is..."

"You aren't answering my question Phi. Did you mean that?!"

I nodded weakly, looking down. I really did like this guy. I was fast catching feelings for him and I meant it. But I also know...

And smack, Park kissed me. He lifted my chin up and kissed me on my lips. Deeply I must say. He cupped my face and pulled in even closer as he kissed me. I ended up circling my arms around him and kissed him back.

We pulled away nearly a minute later and he looked at me, trying to catch his breath. "Park.."

"Can you damn button up please? I'm tired of people looking at you the whole night. I love it. I get it. I know it was for me. But enough. I'm done sharing for the night. Please button up."

A smile involuntarily came over my face. I buttoned up 2 more and he finally smiled at me.

"Thank you.."

I nodded. I kept quiet. He took my hand, "Shall we go back in?"

"Er, okays sure. But maybe you should let go of my hand. I don't want the boys to be in shock again."

"Maybe. But I don't want the boys to be unclear on whom you wish to be with. And I want to make it clear."

"Park. Do you know"

"I like you too Phi. I'm not a relationship kind of guy. But if it's with you, I want to give it a shot. Will you give me a chance?"

I was stunned. So much so that, I forgot to reply him and we just stood there in silence until a 3rd voice interrupted us.

"Say yes already Arthit. You have no idea on how stubborn Park can be. He will wait till he gets a reply."

We looked up to see Kong and the other boys standing there, smirking. Shit. Busted. Subconsciously, I moved back abit, hiding behind Park as I held onto his hand tightly. The boys laughed so hard!

I just groaned and leaned my head on Park's shoulder who shooed them away. The boys all scattered, taking their leave for the night. Park held onto my hand and turned to me.

"You ok?"

I nodded. 'Let's go home, shall we?"

I nodded again. But I didn't move.

"Phi... let's go.."

But I still didn't move. Park looked at me quizzically.

"I want to give us a chance too Park."

He looked at me, for the first time, I saw Park's eyes shimmer lightly. He smiled as he pulled me in once again for a quick kiss. I smiled into the kiss as I let him sweep me up into it.

Fluff&Tough [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora