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I just flipped him off and walked away. Even if I was dying, I wouldn't get on his bicycle! I wasn't even kidding when I said that him making the report didn't piss me off. I get it, I violated some rules, Arthit has always been a stickler for rules and I can understand why he filed a report.

But he could have told me about it when I was ranting about the consequences of it. It wouldn't have stung so much and he knew how tiring it was for me. ARGH!

I kicked the stones along the way as I got home. I got back to my dorm, got a shower and was gaming when the police station called. Eh? I answered and to summarise it, the officer asked me to come pick up my bike. He said the person who had filed the report had withdrew it and requested that the bike be returned back as soon as possible. He also mentioned Arthit said that I had managed to stop my bike in time so to pardon me. I kept quiet on the phone, taking it all in. The officer barked at me and I said I will be down in a jiffy!

I went off to the station and just as I was going in, Arthit was coming out. I got my keys and a stern reminder from the officer on being more careful next time and I left. I took my bike and patted her lovingly. My bike was really the pride and joy of my life and I treated her well. I got a wet cloth from the station, wiped her down first and decided to go to the nearest petrol kiosk to get her washed down. As I was riding out, I saw Arthit waiting for a cab.

I wondered if I should stop and offer him a ride home. I mean he did get my bike back for me. I sighed and was about to stop when Arthit got a cab and he got into it. I decided to let it go and went down to the kiosk instead.

I got my bike cleaned and was heading home when the boys called me out for drinks. Woo, since it was Friday, I decided to make the most out of it. I went to the bar only to realize the head hazers were there too. Yikes. I joined them as Forth and the other boys were there too. Arthit was there too but he was just chatting with Kongpob about something.

"Hey later on, Forth and I can send you home since I got my car." I smiled at Lam and jsut declined and mentioned that I got my bike back.

"Oh you did? How so?" I just mentioned on how the report had been withdrawn and I got it back. Now funny thing, I didn't tell Forth on whom it was and only had told Lam. So Forth heard our convo and he went, "Oh so that idiot decided to withdraw it? Good! Because what a prude he was being. Uppity and what not. Sheesh."

Damn. My face reddened when I realized Arthit had heard it. Kong knew whom Forth was talking about and wanted to say something but Arthit held him back.

"It's ok Forth...I also don't know who it is.. I mean.. its"

"You are too nice Park. If its me, I would prolly hunt that idiot down to withdraw the report. He must be some teacher's pet, some Medical or Law student. Right P? Don't you agree? All those uppity rule abiding morons." He directed his convo towards Arthit who choked on his drink and spat it out!

He nodded guiltily whilst Forth was concerned over his choking. Arthit looked at me briefly but I was so embarrassed by this Forth that I fled the scene, seeking refuge at the counter.

I sighed and turned to look at Arthit who had gone off to clean his shirt. He came back and walked towards the counter to get another drink. I decided to go back to the table. Just as we passed each other, Arthit turned to look and he realized our table was distracted so he took the opportunity to hold onto my hand and dragged me back to the bar. I resisted but he held on strong. The bar was also fairly crowded so nobody paid any attention to us.

I was forced to stand at the counter with him whilst he ordered a drink. "Im really sorry Park. It wasn't my intention to keep it from you. I was just frightened of your reaction. I.....I'm sorry."

I kept quiet and didn't say anything. He did get me back my bike. No point being upset anymore. I just told him as such and wanted to leave when he pushed a beer towards me as a peace offering. I looked at it for so long before finally accepting it and I heard Arthit sigh softly in relief.

We decided to go back when the junior from before stopped him mid way and asked him if he could go join them for a bit. He agreed as he's just too polite for his own good.

I watched as he walked off, even though he did look very uncomfortable with the girl hanging onto his arms. But that's Arthit for you, he would never be rude towards a female as he thinks its not being gentlemanly enough. Sheesh.

Well, he's old enough to handle it himself so I just went back, sat down and lounged with the boys. But 15 minutes later I took back my words and marched over to rescue this stupid Arthit who was being accosted by these bunch of juniors!

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