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"What do you think you are doing?" I heard that familiar cold voice again. I looked up to see Park standing there, looking, may I say, wait, let me change that, looking extremely angry.

I gulped and tried to pull my junior Linn's hands off me. But I realized Park wasn't looking at me and in fact his question was directed towards Linn.

Linn stood up defiantly and just uttered, "Just chatting and having fun with my P. What's your issue P Park? You aren't my P out of school so please keep the Sotus drills for school and not here."

I stood up instantly and snapped at Linn. "That isn't nice Linn. Say sorry immediately. He was just looking out for me. You didn't have to be rude about it."

"Well P, why should he look out for you? I'm not hurting you, am I? We are just having fun. But he behaves like a boyfriend or something. So territorial."

Before I could say something reconciliatory, Park just grabbed my hand and pulled me away. "Think whatever you want. I don't need to explain myself to you. You need to learn how to be respectful towards people and not just be all over them. He doesn't like it, get it?! Now stay away."

With those parting words, Park dragged me back. "Park, stop! I said stop!" I pulled my hand away in the midst of the bar and just glared at him.

"What do you think you are doing? You didn't have to be so rude."

"Well I waited and you didnt seem like you were going to make a stand. Do you know how uncomfortable you looked?! Why do you put yourself in that situation?"

"Park. Look I know how-to handle myself. You really needn't have stepped in. Look..."

Park just put his hand up to stop my words.

"Right. Sorry for overstepping my boundaries then. Sorry for wanting to help you."

Before I could say anything else, Park turned and left, but straight out of the bar. Oh jesus, he did have quite a temper, didn't he? I just looked at him go. Kong came over wondering if I was ok.

I nodded and we went back but we got into bigger trouble when Lam realized Park had left in anger and I had been the cause of it again.

"What happened?" Lam uttered softly. I told them all on what had happened. Kong smacked my head before anyone could say anything.

"Dude, he was looking out for you. Why did you have to be all tsundere about it?!"

Lam just stared at me. Forth was caught between us. Lam finally stood up, saying he was going to see Park and before he left, he turned to look at me; "It really doesn't pay to be nice to you P. You think he has a temper? Do you know what you saw was the nice side of him? The side that he only shows around people whom he feel deserves it. He showed it to you and yet he got scolded for it. It really doesn't pay to be nice to you, does it?".

With those words, Lam left with Forth following closely behind. I sat and just stared at my beer bottle glumly, wondering how did I manage to screw up so spectacularly 2 times in a row!

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