Birch snorts and gumbles •You all get so flustered by such little things. So silly.• he chuckles •Though, by human standards nothing even shows on me.• He taps Lee's shoulder gently "Safe." He says in a sly tone.

Lee huffs a laugh "Bullshit. You don't have no other clothes-"

Birch rolls his eyes and yanks Lee around with his tail so they're face to face. Meeting eye to eye, Birch juts his head as if saying "See? Told you it's safe."

Lee looks him up and down in the quickest glance he can manage. Fur, or hair, covers absolutely everything that could be considered inappropriate. "Oh." He puts simply, very much relieved he didn't have to get shell shocked by a giant alien p- "Ok. Right then. Safe.'' They stare at each other for an awkward moment before Birch glances down at Lee's clothes. "Look, I don't have fur, or at least not enough to cover everything, so I feel this is a tad unfair."

After another minute of Birch searching for a chance of Lee feeling comfortable enough to do the same as he did, he finds nothing. He huffs and lets Lee loose. He turns away a bit pouty and sits back down on the carpet with a thump.

"Good lord," Lee laughs. "It's been awhile since someone wanted to see me naked that badly." he mumbles to himself, shaking his head as he unbuttons his plaid and makes his way back into the privacy of his bedroom.

Be it for curiosity or want or some other third thing, Birch can't tell, but he steals a glance at Lee's bare, chiseled back as his muscles groove with the movements of taking a button up top off. It's...well it's entrancing. With his species muscles usually aren't that defined and even when they would be, the edges are softened by the fuzz that covers everywhere on their body besides where their sun protective hide is. And the hide also muffles muscle definition. So this, seeing Lee like this, might be a once in a lifetime view. He hopes it's not.

His tail whips up and down, flustered by his own confusing thoughts. He backtracks asking himself why in the stars he'd want to see the body of such a species so badly. Most species see humans a lesser beings. Humans are ignorant, unintelligent in comparison, nonsensical, not to mention so much smaller than his own species. So why does he wish to see one? And why Lee specifically?

To get his mind off of the frankly unnerving thoughts, he decides to get a bit more familiar with his surroundings. First he goes to what he's been intrigued about since the door was opened. The plush seating arrangements Lee had referred to as a couch at some point during the stitching process. He immediately takes the chance to sit, and even quicker, takes the chance to lay down as he feels how incredibly soft it is. The texture is close to what his own species fuzz is like, and as he lays down it sinks beneath his weight. As he rolls, it fits to his curves and never once does his shoulders jam into hard clay or scratchy leaves •Oh my stars, why can't I have this at home?• he says as he bunches his feet onto it as well. Of course he can't stretch out all the way without his legs hanging off the side or end, but it's just so comfortable he couldn't care less about it not being long enough. •I could get used to this• he smiles contentedly with a pur/giggle.

As much as he wants to stay sunken into the couch, he has more to explore. He pries himself off of it and hobbles as quiet as he can to the kitchen, but the old hardwood floors give him away. "Curious?" Birch jumps at Lee's sudden voice. His claws extend reflexively "Whoah, calm, calm," Lee chuckles nervously, putting his hands up in surrender "Just me." He cocks his head to the side, watching Birch's tail twitch, claws sink back in, and the hair trailing his spine flatten back out. He giggles and shakes his head "Just like a cat," he says internally, keeping the thought to himself since Birch doesn't like being compared to animals.

Birch furrows his eyebrows, confused and wondering if he should be offended about whatever Lee's laughing about while looking at him.

Lee takes notice and shakes his head "Don't worry, you look," he pauses thinking of the words "oddly cute." he grins, hoping Birch doesn't know that word.

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