"Really?" Miles questioned. I hadn't heard of this person, but he sounded like I had. I knew it wasn't Mark, because I hadn't seen him walk in, and he would have acknowledged me. Or I thought he would have if he was here. 

"Yeah. Thought it would be nice and I got you one too when we went down" I felt Miles move to grab something, before the blanket was fully removed from my head. "Try this, Ells" everyone's eyes were on me as a straw was lifted to my mouth. 

I just looked at Miles, who nodded down at me, so I took a sip. It was actually really good, so when Miles pulled it from my lips after my sip, I made grabby hands too it. Miles chuckled a little, as did everyone else, as he reluctantly gave it to me. 

I continued to drink whatever this smoothie thing was, as Miles engaged in whatever conversation he was having with someone. I was enjoying my drink too much to notice that everyone had started to look at me once again. 

I didn't like how they would look at me like I knew the answer to something. I didn't even know who these people were. "So, did you consider the team dinner tonight?" someone new asked. I looked up at Miles, to see he was already looking down at me with a smile on his face. 

Mommy never really smiled like that whenever she held me. I never really did see a smile on her face unless she had her male friends over, and I had to rush to a cabinet in the kitchen, just to hear all sorts of things.

"I think we should do it" Miles said, which confused me, so I scrunched my face up at him. "Your going to meet my ice hockey team, Ells" I got bounced a little as I realized that thing Miles took me too yesterday must have been ice. 

I was just so confused that all I could muster up was a smile and a nod. That was always the easiest with mommy. 


"Here, wear this Ells" Mark had apparently gone shopping for me today, that was why he wasn't here this morning with everyone else when I woke up. He had basically bribed Miles into dressing me for this dinner tonight. Said he had better style than Miles did, but I didn't even know what style was. 

"Mark, I think she's all dressed up in all the possible Michigan fan gear" Miles appeared in the doorway to the room he said was his. A bed was supposed to be being built across from his, but smaller. Everything was getting moved around in here on the weekend, whenever that was going to happen. 

"If you can do better, than go ahead" Mark then walked out of the room, turning around before he left to give me a smile and a wink. Weird was all I thought about him. 

"Let's try this again" I was undressed again, and it was starting to make me grumpy. I had been woken up from a lovely nap only to be dressed and undressed like a doll. "I wanna-a wear-r what you're w-wearing" I pointed at his outfit. 

"You want to wear jeans and a jumper?" he questioned me, which I nodded too. I had no idea which was which, but I just knew that was what he was wearing. 

"Ok, I think Mark has some here for you. Aha, here. This or this?" he searched through a bag before holding two denim things up. I pointed to the lighter pair cause they were closer to Miles. He then turned back into another bag, putting the other pair I didn't choose down, as he grabbed two other options. 

It was pink or blue. I chose pink cause that's my favorite color and I preferred the look of the pink. "Ok then" I was then finally rid of the clothes Mark put on, as then a plain thing was put on before I had to stand in the denim things. "What are these things-s?" I questioned, gesturing to the things I had on. 

"Their clothes. These are jeans and this is a shirt" so the pink thing must be the jumper. Something is actually starting to make sense. I am not totally confused anymore. 

"R-right" my stutter was getting better, or so I thought. I wasn't constantly scared that mommy would hit me or hurt me. "So cute" Miles muttered, as he grabbed my hand and twisted me around. 

I giggled, before I heard Mark say, "come on you two. I'm leaving if you don't come now" and with that, Miles grabbed my same hand and we walked out of his room. 

He had mentioned to me that he shared this dorm with Mark, which was much nicer than my mommy's house. So, we followed Mark out of the dorm and out to dinner. 

I was excited but nervous.

Could this be something good or bad? 


thoughts? xx

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