"Please don't let me be lonely."

133 8 5

Word Count: 1202
Third Person POV, Jisung Focus:

After hearing what Minho had to say, Jisung stood in the garden in shock for a few minutes. He couldn't believe his soulmate didn't want him. Even worse, he couldn't believe his soulmate didn't believe in soulmates. The small boy stood there, broken. He didn't want to be alone forever, but it looked like that's how his life was going to play out.

Snapping out of it and trying to compose himself, Jisung returned to the lunch table. He avoided Minho's eyes at all costs and tried to act like he hadn't just been rejected harshly by the person he was supposed to be destined for. As much as he tried to ignore the older's presence, his mind simply wouldn't let him.

The remainder of lunch dragged on; Jisung couldn't rid his mind of the lingering fear of being forever alone. He knew there had to be a reason for Minho to not believe in soulmates, but he also knew the latter would probably never tell him. The bell finally rung, signaling the end of lunch, and before Jisung could even blink, Minho had sprinted out of the cafeteria. Sighing, he gathered his things and began walking to his next class. He couldn't wait for the day to be over.

"You okay, Sung?" Felix asked said boy as they walked out of the school's gates with Jeongin. "You've been really quiet since lunch."

"Yeah," Jeongin added. "Ever since you went after Minho hyung at lunch, you've seemed down. Did he say something mean to you? I'll have Channie beat him up!" The maknae said, brows furrowing cutely.

"It's a long story. I need time to process it all first, I'll tell you guys later." Jisung replied, sighing. "Minho hyung didn't say anything mean, though, don't worry." He lied, faking a smile.

The two friends seemed to buy it, as they said nothing else about it. Instead, Jeongin began questioning what it was Felix had to tell him that they had wait until they were at his house for.

"Just wait until we get to my house, Innie." The blonde said, glancing around. "We're almost there anyway."

Jeongin just made a face and pouted until they reached the older's house. The three boys walked in, kicking their shoes off at the front door, Felix shouting, "Mum, I'm home! Jisung, Jeongin, and I will be in my room!" They then proceeded to go up the stairs to Felix's room. Once the boys were all comfortable, Jeongin and Jisung sitting on the bed and Felix sitting in his spinny desk chair, Felix began to speak. "So..." he started. "I, um... found my soulmate." He said, mumbling towards the end.

Jeongin screeched and jumped up so that he was on his knees on the bed. "You what?! When? How? Where? Who?" he rambled.

Jisung jumped, startled at the volume of Jeongin's voice. Looking over at the youngest, he said, "Jesus, Jeongin, use your inside voice."

The maknae just rolled his eyes, waiting quite impatiently for Felix to continue as he sat back down on his heels. "Well, it's Changbin hyung." He explained, "We, um, made eye contact when you introduced everyone at lunch. And surprise, surprise, I saw his name in front of me. I thought maybe I just imagined it, but I looked back and his soulmate spot was gone. Plus, the small glimpse of it that I did see... it was the same color as my eyes."

The maknae sat in shock, just staring at his hyung before shouting, "Oh my god! We can be a group of best friend soulmates! It'll be perfect, me and Channie, you and Binnie hyung, Jisung will find his soulmate in the group... It'll be so fun!" He rambled, smiling widely.

"Um... about that, Innie." Jisung began, causing the boy's head to snap towards him. "Minho hyung is my soulmate." He whispered. "But... when I went after him at lunch, he made it very clear he wants nothing to do with me. He doesn't believe in soulmates, and he has no desire to get to know me." The squirrel-like boy looked down at his lap, sniffling as he tried to hold his tears in.

Jeongin and Felix made their way over to the oldest, sitting on either side of him and enveloping him in a hug. "Jisung, I know Minho hyung didn't mean that. I don't know what exactly happened, but from what I've seen and from what Chan has told me, he has a dark past. Maybe he's just scared of starting something only to lose it." Jeongin encouraged, pulling back to look his friend in the eyes. "I think you should try, very slowly, to get to know him. I'll tell Channie to talk to Minho hyung if you want me to, too. I know he'd want to help; he only wants the best for Minho hyung."

Jisung looked the younger in the eyes, seeing his sincerity and nodded. "That would be really nice, Innie. Could you maybe ask him for Minho hyung's phone number for me, too? It'd be nice to have just in case, you know." The maknae simply nodded, smiling at his friend before turning to Felix.

"I'll get Changbin hyung's number for you, too, Lixie. That way you can both start working towards being happy with your soulmates."

Felix smiled widely in return, nodding in excitement. The three boys then began to talk about the usual things, talking and laughing together for a few hours until it started getting dark. Jisung and Jeongin had to head home, so they said their goodbyes and left Felix's house.

"Sungie?" Jeongin started. Jisung hummed, signaling the younger to continue. "I know it won't be easy, but I think you shouldn't give up on Minho hyung yet. I think he's hurting, but I think he secretly wants to be happy with someone deep down, just like the rest of us. Just try to give him some time to get used to the idea and get to know you. It'll all work out the way it's supposed to."

Jisung nodded, deep in his thoughts. "Thanks, Innie." He mumbled.

The boys eventually arrived at Jisung's house, going their separate ways as Jeongin kept walking home and Jisung went up to his bedroom.

The latter threw his backpack down, deciding he was just going to finish his homework in class the next day. He felt so drained, all he wanted to do was lay in bed. So, that's what he did. He laid in bed for about thirty minutes, debating whether or not he should text his supposed soulmate.

Eventually, he decided he had nothing to lose, so he pulled out his phone, clicking on the number Jeongin had given him and created a new contact He labeled it "Minho hyung" for now. Opening a new chat, he began typing, only to erase everything over and over again. He had no idea what to say.

After a few minutes of going back and forth, he decided on one sentence. One thing to say to the older. He had nothing he wanted to say in that moment except for this one thing.

"Please don't let me be lonely. -Jisung"
I know it's been months, and I'm so sorry for that. I was struggling with a few things, one of those being motivation. I'm feeling better now, though, and my motivation is slowly coming back. My new goal is to try and post an update for at least one of my books every other week. So, please don't give up on me yet. Just give me a bit more time to get back in the groove of things, and I promise I'll get back to updating more frequently. Don't be afraid to leave comments asking for updates or giving me feedback either, they help motivate and inspire me.

I hope everyone is doing well. Don't forget to eat, drink water, and get enough sleep. Stay healthy, everyone. <3

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