"I found my soulmate..."

206 14 3

Word Count: 955
Third Person POV, Jisung Focus:

"Hey, Sungie!" Jeongin greeted as he approached said male. It was currently Wednesday morning just before school, and the boys were waiting outside for the bell to ring.

Jisung looked over at the maknae as he sat down smiling. "Hey, Innie. You look very happy today." Jeongin had always been a happy person, constantly smiling and giggling. Today, however, no one would be able to wipe the smile off his face even if they tried. "Did something good happen?"

"Yes, but I wanna wait for-" He started, but was interrupted as Felix ran over to us and squeezed himself in between the two boys. "Lix! I have something to tell you guys, you got here just in time!" Jeongin said, excitedly.

"But first, I wanna tell you guys something." Felix said, looking between Jeongin and Jisung. "You guys know that really intimidating senior, Seo Changbin?" He asked, smiling faintly as he stared at the ground. The two brunettes nodded their heads, curious, as Felix continued. "Well, I think I might have a crush on him." He explained. Jisung and Jeongin made eye contact and burst out laughing, causing Felix to pout and smack their arms. "Why are you laughing at me?"

"Lix, we've known you've had a crush on him since school started. Three weeks ago. You constantly make googly eyes at him, and whenever he looks in your direction, you practically have a heart attack." Jisung laughed. "But that's good that you finally realized it."

Jeongin just giggled, nodding his head in agreement. "But- Fine, whatever you say." The blonde said, still pouting. "By the way, where's Seungmin?" He asked, looking around the courtyard.

"Oh, he's at Jeju Island with his parents for a couple days. They surprised him. He'll be back next week." Jeongin explained. He and Seungmin were best friends. Of course, all three boys were close, but the two maknaes were especially close and protective of each other.

"Why didn't he tell us?" Jisung asked, pouting that he'd been left out.

"I don't know, but that's not important right now. Don't you guys wanna know what I have tell you?" Jeongin asked, a smile returning to his face.

"Don't you wanna wait for Minnie? Or did you already tell him?" Felix asked, looking at the excited boy.

"I told him over the phone last night, but I wanted to tell you guys in person." He replied, pausing for a second before continuing. "So... I found my soulmate." Jeongin said, his smile growing bigger, if that was even possible.

Jisung leaned across Felix to tackle the maknae in a hug. "Innie, oh my gosh, that's amazing!!! What's his name? What's he like? Have you guys talked about it yet? Are you dating yet?" He asked, bombarding the younger with questions. He sounded like an overprotective parent.

Jeongin giggled at his hyung's reaction as Felix pushed Jisung off of his lap, rolling his eyes at how dramatic the other was. "Well, I actually met him a few weeks ago. He goes to our school, but I met him at a music store. We were both looking at the new albums, and as cliche as it sounds, we went to reach for the same one and then looked over at each other." He smiled, remembering the meeting. "After that, we were both sort of shocked, but he invited me to a café so we could get to know each other a bit. We hit it off really well at first, but I wanted to wait to tell you guys because I wanted to make sure everything would work out. I think it's going to. He asked me out last night." He said, looking over at his hyungs, fondness evident in his eyes.

"How did we not notice your soulmate spot was gone?!" Jisung mumbled. Looking back at the younger, he smiled and pinched his cheeks. "Our little Innie is growing up. Don't worry, you'll still always be our baby fox." The brunette said, hugging the younger as Felix dramatically wiped away a fake tear, sniffling and clutching his heart. Jeongin just pouted and muttered something about not being a baby, pushing the older off of him.

Felix finally spoke up after watching his friends' antics and said, "What's his name? How old is he? Where is he from? I want to make sure I know everything about him so that way I can beat him up if he hurts you." He said, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to act tough.

Jeongin and Jisung both laughed. "Felix, you couldn't beat anyone up if you tried, you're too sweet." The blonde just stuck his tongue out at the two as Jeongin answered his questions. "His name is Chan, he's 18, and he's a senior. He's Australian like you, too, Lix. He moved here for school, but because of the difference in structure, he's a year behind what he should be."

Felix's eyes lit up at hearing that Chan was a fellow Aussie. "He's an Aussie?! Oh my god, when do I get to meet him? He's going to be my new best friend, I'm already calling dibs." He said, excitedly.

The bell rung then, startling the three boys out of their own little world. They all got up, gathering their stuff and began to walk to their classes. "Well, you guys will be able to meet him today. We're sitting with him and his friends at lunch. If that's okay with you guys, of course." Jeongin said, hoping his hyungs would agree.

They both agreed, all splitting off to head to their own classes. Jisung couldn't help but wonder what Chan and his friends would be like as he settled into his first period.

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