-1- Nevermore

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"Nothing exists; all is a dream. God-man-the world-the sun, the moon, the wilderness of stars-a dream, all a dream; they have no existence. Nothing exists save empty space-and you!"

Wednesday kept her face blank, but she was seething on the inside. If her parents believed there would be no repercussions for dropping her in this wasteland of human life, then she was quite wrong.

Wednesday was going to rain down levels of hell on her parents' head that would make the apocalypse look like child's play.

"And this is the quad!" Enid, the insufferable girl who believed they would be roommates, cried with her hands waving around like a rainbow-bright windmill.

Wednesday slowly let her eyes wander the quad as Enid prattled on about terrible teenage cliched groups of werewolves, stoners, sirens, and vampires. Personally, she thought she might fit in with the vampires. She too had an insatiable bloodlust and preference for dark clothing. Though she would never join a coven- lead one, perhaps, but never join one.

"And what school is complete without our resident tortured artist and oddball?" Enid said. She pointed to two boys- one on the opposite side of the quad who was painting and one who sat alone at a table, flipping through an outdated newspaper and sipping a cup of an unknown liquid.

"What's his story?" Wednesday demanded, her eyes trained on the black top-hat that sat on his head and the ten-foot isolated radius that surrounded him. The boy looked well-maintained, dressed in a black two-piece suit, with a grey vest, a black tie, he stuck out like an amputated finger in a salad bowl, so Wednesday was determined to uncover at least a name.

"Xavier? Oh, well he used to date Bianca, but they broke up and nobody knows why," Enid said in a hushed tone, as if they were sharing secrets.

Wednesday saw that she was still gesturing toward Xavier, and she rolled her eyes.

"Not him," she snapped impatiently. "The oddball, as you said."

The only person in the quad who also seemed to have no desire to immerse themselves in bonding with their supposed peers.

"Oh." Enid gave the only rational minded boy in the quad a dismissive look. "That's Y/N, he's just... odd, even amongst us outcasts."

Wednesday clenched her jaw in annoyance. "I understood the 'oddball' reference, I am asking you why," she said tersely. It was a pity that Pugsley wasn't there, he would know almost better than anyone that it was time for Miss Mismatched Pink and Blue hair to run.

"He's just..." Enid chewed on her lower lip, her eyes flicking uncertainly toward the boy. "Weird," she finished slowly. "But I can't be too hard on him, he's given me juicy deets for my blog! You would probably like him. I heard he killed someone. Like you," she tacked on brightly.

Enid had finally said something that Wednesday found quite interesting. If this 'oddball' amongst the outcasts had killed someone, then he was quite clearly the person for Wednesday to meet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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