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"I don't know where the fuck it would've went. I always put it right here. Every single day. It's just fucking gone." EunHye snaps, pushing things aside and slamming others down in search of something.

"Hey—relax—take a deep breath." Chan does his best to keep himself calm. Even though she's throwing out f-bombs and not acting like herself, he can't play into it. He has to keep himself levelheaded for her sake.

Last night had been so relaxing for the both of them. They'd managed to get their things packed without any issues. EunHye was even able to decide what she needed to have and what she could do a few days without. It all went so well—Chan knew there would be a tipping point eventually. He just didn't think it'd be over what it's over.

"I can't just take a fucking deep breath—where the fuck did it go?" EunHye spins to face him, but her gaze never meet his. Panic fills her eyes while anger and frustration are etched into her stressed face.

"EunHye—I need you look at me." Chan instructs, standing his ground despite EunHye's seemingly unruly behavior.

"Where'd it go? I need it. They have to match, Channie. They can't not match." EunHye's hard exterior cracks a bit as she begins to crumble.

"I know. I know you need them to match. I need you to breathe first." Chan cups her face, drying her tears as he takes deep breaths trying to encourage her to do the same.

"Keep looking at me. Do you remember what I told you before? Hm?" Chan deploys his distraction technique in hopes of helping her calm down even a little bit.

"Leave me alone—I have to fucking find it—" EunHye's evasion phase starts to kick in as she tries to pull away from Chan.

"Hye—what did I tell you before?" Chan asks sternly, keeping a gentle yet firm grip on her wrist.

"I'm not gonna play this stupid fucking game, Chan." EunHye snaps, trying to pry his fingers from her arm.

"What do I have here for you? Where do I keep it?" Chan continues to ignore her attempts to avoid the situation head on.

"That doesn't fucking fix it." EunHye begins to relax just the slightest bit, no longer trying to escape Chan. Her voice softens and she stares down at the ground. A shaky breath leaves her parted lips as she sniffles.

"I know. I know it doesn't answer the question. I know it doesn't just make it all better, but you're prepared for it, remember? Things happen. Maybe you were tired and thought you put it in its place, but you left it somewhere else without thinking. I prepared you for it. There's more. You can match them. They're the same ones you always use." Chan slowly breaks it all down to try and help her make sense of it all logically.

"You're frustrated and you're upset. I know it feels like it's way too much to handle right now. I'm not saying anything you feel is invalid. I'm just here to help you. I'm here to make sure you're alright and to try and listen when it isn't. The new hair ties won't make the other one magically appear, but they can replace it until you can find it. It's a temporary solution that could become a permanent solution if necessary." Chan gently pulls her back toward him once he's sure she's not nearly as defensive as she had been.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Channie. It's so stupid—I just—I can't help it. I can't help but freak out over stupid things." EunHye swallows hard as she allows him to wrap his arms around her tightly. She buries her face in the crook of his neck, her tears staining his shirt.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. Change can be hard. I get it. You've used the same hair ties for the last six months. It's alright to get upset when things don't go like they usually do." Chan smiles weakly as he hides his face in her hair. His fingers gently comb through her long locks, trying to ease the rest of her worries.

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