Raven turns to our leader. "So, where to now?"

Robin glances at me and I can only shrug. Looking into Saico-Tek's mind didn't give me much to go off of. The Boy Wonder reaches into one of the pouches on his belt and produces a red-covered guide book.

"The roughest part of town is in the Shinjuku district," he announces. "We'll start our search there."

"Okay. Which way is that?" Cyborg asks. Robin looks up and scans the area. There are several street signs around us but all of them are in Japanese.

"I don't know. I can't read the signs."

"No problem," Beast Boy says with a nonchalant shrug. "We'll just ask for directions." My face drops into a deadpan look. Did he really forget we are in a country where most people don't speak English? He walks over to an old, balding man who's reading a newspaper. "Um, hi. How do I get to Shinjuku?"

A confused frown appears on the man's face then, of course, he replies in Japanese. The shapeshifter nods his head as the man speaks.

"I'm not buying that he understands anything that guy is saying," I mutter as I lean towards Raven.

"Neither do I," she says.

"Okay, thanks." Beast Boy slips back over to us before slumping over with a disheartened pout. "I have no idea what he said." The half-demon and I share an unsurprised look while Cyborg steps forward. He reaches out his hands to strangle the green male for giving him false hope, but Starfire stops him.

"Perhaps I may be of assistance," the redhead says.

"Do you know Japanese?" I ask. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised. She usually seems to have quirks perfectly suited to our situation. Like that allergy that lead us right to Slade. The Tameranean flashes me a smile before stepping away from the group.

We all watch with bated breath as she heads over to a boy around our age. Before he can even acknowledge her, Starfire is pulling him into a kiss.

Everyone's jaw drops in shock but I simply furrow my brows. This seems familiar. Didn't she do that to me when we first met... then she could suddenly speak English. A lightbulb pops up over my head as I realize what she's doing.

Once she pulls away the boy stares at her with hearts in his eyes. "Sumimasen kedo, Shinjuku wa docchi no houkou desu ka?"

The male points over his shoulder with a dreamy grin. "Acchi da yo."

"Doumo arigatou."

"Daisuki." Whatever he said causes Starfire to flash him a nervous smile and rush back over to us.

She gestures in the same direction the boy had. "It is this way."

"Um... Starfire? Why did you just... kiss that guy?" Robin asks with a very confused look.

"Oh. The people of my planet are able to learn any language instantaneously through lip contact."

"And here I thought I was special," I say with a fake tone of hurt, it makes the redhead giggle.

"So you speak Japanese now?" Cyborg asks. Starfire nods in reply. "That's great!" The Tamaranean smiles before she starts walking down the sidewalk in the direction the boy pointed. We all follow her without any further questions or comments.


We get about half a block before chaos erupts ahead of us. Civilians sprint past us in the direction we just came from as they scream and shout in horror.

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