All My Children

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"I need to know that you are on my side Matty."

"Of course I am Vic. After what you showed me about your soulmate research, I wouldn't want to hurt you by helping them hurt the Mikaelsons. I promise."

I sigh in relief, bringing him into a hug. "Thank you."

I move to sit back in between the boys and Kol wraps an arm around my shoulders.

After we have a few drinks, Caroline walks in.

"Oh hell no. I love you Care, but turn the fuck back around."

She huffs and leaves. Nik looks at me incredulously.

"They sent her here to distract you. Remember what I told you about Esther last night?" Kol nods. "Elena thinks Esther has linked you. They want to kill you guys. I'm not going to let that happen."

"What do you mean she thinks we're linked? What did you do to prevent it?"

"Switched the spelled blood with something else. You'll see." I don't want to tell them it was my blood. In all seriousness I don't know what will happen to me if Esther goes through with the spell.

I turn my head when I hear Matt arguing with someone.

"I'm not going to do it. Even if it does work, it'll hurt my sister and I'm not okay with that."

"You're backing out of the plan?" They ask angrily.

"Yeah I am. Caroline did too, and now I know why. You guys are delusional. What have they done to hurt us?" Matt walks over to the bar, giving me a slight nod.

The person he was talking to walks out of the shadows. Alaric. That son of a bitch.

I speed up to him, pulling him back into the shadows. I place my hand around his neck and pin him against the wall.

"Whatever you have planned today, don't do it. I promise it won't work how you think it will."

He doesn't speak. "Let me make myself clear, you go after my family, and Elena dies. Got it?" After a moment of silence I tighten my hold. "Got it?" I repeat.

"Got it." He grunts out. I release him and he falls to the floor, catching his breath.

I walk back to find Kol gone. I rush outside trying to find him. He speeds in front of me with a smirk, scaring me. I hit his shoulder.

"You dick! I thought they got to you."

He raises his hands. "I'm fine. In fact, I brought you something." He reaches behind him and pulls out a man.

"Newly turned. Just for you."

I lean in, kissing him. "Thank you."

"You'll need your strength. If what you said will happen tonight does indeed happen."

I nod, bringing my mouth to the terrified man's throat. I immediately sink my teeth in, gulping down all his blood until that very last drop.

When I pull away, he's fully desiccated.

Kol drops him and steps toward me. He licks near my mouth, flicking his tongue to catch the spilled blood before kissing me heatedly.

He pulls away before clapping his hands together. "Best get going if we are going to stop her."

Me and the boys walk up to the spot where Esther is casting the spell.

Finn is with her, playing along. They are both stood in the pentagram.

She starts chanting the spell, nothing happens until suddenly I feel faint.

I fall to my knees, feeling pain in my chest. The boys look at me in concern.

After a minute, it's like a switch is flipped. Instead of pain, I feel immense power. It's like I drew power from the spell itself.

I hear faint whispering, the torches burning more.

"Sisters! Do not abandon me!"

I grip my hand into the dirt, siphoning the spell placed on the pentagram. I nod my head at Finn, motioning for him to leave.

I stand up, slowly walking towards Esther. "Resistus maledi. Resitus maledi." I murmur to protect myself.

The boys try to come with but I cast another spell. "Morator." This effectively slows time for everyone but me and Esther. She looks around shocked.

"Just you and me Esther." She looks frightened. As I reach her, I grip onto her arm, siphoning her power.

I laugh. "You're weak. You needed the entire Bennet clan and a celestial event to perform this spell. And now you're trying to kill off an entire species. That's genocide."

She struggles and moans in pain, trying to do anything to stop me. But unfortunately, my earlier chant doesn't allow her to hurt me.

"The blood that was in the champagne last night? Was mine. Your linking spell didn't work. And I'm not sure what it did to me, but it sure does feel good."

I put my hand through her chest, gripping onto her heart. "Any last words? No?" I rip it out of her chest. With one last breath, she falls to the ground.

I release the time spell, all of the Mikaelsons and Stefan rushing towards us.

I wipe my hand on my shirt. "Well, that's done with."

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