Parents & Siblings

879 8 72

I won't give you the pelt color for this, because then it might be genetically incorrect. So, you'll have to do it yourself. Here's an example if you're not sure:

Let's say your OC is a brown tabby with a white underbelly. You could say then that the mother is a brown tabby, and the father is black with a white underbelly. You see? Your OC has to inherit those designs from their parents. Or if you like, the OC can look just like their father or just like their mother.

Name of Parents

Sorry if this annoys you, but please use the name generator in the first chapter. Same for the gender!

Dead or Alive?

First one is the mother and second is the father. Set your generator to 1-4.

1 - Both dead

2 - Both alive

3 - Dead, alive

4 - Alive, dead

Note: If your OC is not a Clan cat, you could just use the prefix, or one could be a Clan cat and the other a non-Clan cat.

If you like, you can go to the 'Clan and Rank' and/or 'Death' section to get your OC's parents a more interesting backstory.

* * *

The appearance of the siblings should be inherited from the parents and resemble them in some way. Unless you want to do it any other way, of course.

Number of siblings

Set the number generator to 1-6. Whatever number you get is the amount of siblings your OC has! (By the way, cats can have more kittens than that - up to 8, sometimes even 12! - but I didn't want to put too much)

Names of siblings

Again, to the very first section (name), and generate how many names you need! Do the same for gender (go to the 'gender' section).

Dead or Alive?

Generate a number between 1-38, and it'll tell you who's dead. That way you can figure out yourself whose alive. If you don't have that much siblings, that just means all of them are alive.

1 - dead = 6

2 - dead = 5

3 - dead = 4

4 - dead = 3

5 - dead = 2

6 - dead = 1

7 - all alive

8 - all dead

9 - dead = 5 6

10 - dead = 4 5 6

11 - dead = 3 4 5 6

12 - dead = 2 3 4 5 6

13 - dead = 2 4 6

14 - dead = 1 3 5

15 - dead = 4 6

16 - dead = 3 6

17 - dead = 2 6

18 - dead = 1 6

19 - dead = 4 5

20 - dead = 3 5

21 - dead = 2 5

22 - dead = 1 5

23 - dead = 6 4

24 - dead = 3 4

25 - dead = 2 4

26 - dead = 1 4

27 - dead = 6 3

28 - dead = 5 3

29 - dead = 2 3

30 - dead = 1 3

31 - dead = 2 6

32 - dead = 2 5

33 - dead = 2 4

34 - dead = 2 1

35 - dead = 1 6

36 - dead = 1 5

37 - dead = 1 4

38 - dead = 1 3

You can use another chapter for a more interesting story + appearance, but it's up to you.

* * *

My OC so far:

Tansy is a black she-cat with one green and one blue eye and a dark muzzle and tail tip. She has a lithe, lean build and medium fur. She lives in a barn near the Clan territories along with Beetle and Lola, two other barn cats, and both her parents. Tansy is kind-hearted, cheerful and surprisingly pretty. She has slashed ears and a shoulder scar, both from a badger fight.

After a big argument with Beetle, she was killed by him in her sleep. Lola tried to avenge her by fighting Beetle, but she was murdered too. Since Tansy and Lola didn't believe in StarClan, their spirits unfortunately faded away and they were practically non-existent. Beetle soon regretted killing the both of them, and got himself purposefully into trouble with a Clan so he could be with Tansy and Lola. But his spirit faded away too, and no one knows where they are now.

Tansy's mum is Echo, a black she-cat with dark grey splotches, and her dad is Dustpad, a pale ginger tabby tom who left RiverClan to be with his mate and daughter. They are both alive and care extremely for their precious daughter.

Tansy has one alive sibling, Fennelseed, a transgender tom. Fennelseed is a grey tabby with a white underbelly. He chose to stay in RiverClan even after his father Dustpad moved to the barn. Tansy, Echo and Dustpad rarely see him, and Tansy had only met him at a very young age. Fennelseed can be stubborn and moody, but leads a calm and happy life in RiverClan. He is expected to be the next deputy, too!

I'm really pleased with my OC! How about you?

Warrior Cats OC GeneratorWhere stories live. Discover now