Chapter 22 - Zodiac Exam (1)

Start from the beginning

"Now that everyone is here. Let me begin explaining the rules of this Special Exam."

"WHAT!" Immediately in outrage, Okitani aired how displeased he was. "But we just did one! I don't wanna do another one!"

"Okitani-kun, please calm down," Mii-chan tried to reason with him, but her efforts proved futile.

"I can't! We just had an exam on a deserted island. And now you're telling me we need to do another! Does this school have any sympathy?!"

While it was rather cruel of the school to not give their students much of a break. It was to be expected, this school's purpose is to make the elites that will carry on Japan's society. Treating us as normals and not pushing our limits would be against the nature of this school.

"Shut up, Okitani, let's hear what sensei has to say."

Okitani quickly quieted down after my statement.

"As I was saying. Let me explain this Special Exam."

It was finally starting to begin.

"In this exam, all the first-year students will be divided into groups based on the zodiac signs. The entire exam will be conducted in these groups of students who share the same zodiac sign as the 3 of you. The entire purpose of this test is to assess your thinking ability."

Zodiac signs... There must be 12 groups then. If that's the case, accounting for all the first-year students. 9 groups should be made of 13 participants, with 3 groups of 14 too. I assume these groups will be a mix of 4-3 members from each class within their zodiac group. So depending on the contents of the exam, our group may already be at a disadvantage having two members. Because I know Okitani won't help at all.

Everyone was silent. I assumed, trying to digest Mashima-sensei's words.

"There are 3 attributes that people need to master to function within high society... Thinking, action, and teamwork. These are necessary skills if you want to have a successful future. The test on the deserted island heavily tested your teamwork. This test will specifically test your thinking ability. The ability to have a keen and discerning mind to help solve the problem of this exam. The ability to use one's imagination along with cunning and precise, thoughtful actions will give you success in this exam."

Mashima-sensei's brief introduction to the exam was rather interesting. But it caused some unease in my group members as we awaited the rules of the exam.

"This exam will be conducted in 12 groups, represented by the zodiac signs. Any questions?"

"How were the groups formed?" Mii-chan was the first to ask a question.

"It was decided at random. No one had any influence on the group members."

"Sensei," I interrupted. "You said there are 12 groups, one per zodiac sign, correct? But there seems to be only 3 of us here, so are we joining other groups to make one large one?"

"Exactly. You three here are part of one single group. Some other groups are currently receiving their explanations as we speak. Your group will join up with 3 other smaller groups to form one large group of 13 members." Mashima-sensei explained.

"Does that mean we'll be forming a group with other classes? One's who we are supposed to view as our rivals?" Mii-chan asked.

"Not at the moment. For now, your only focus in this exam is to think. The group zodiac sign you are assigned to is the zodiac sign: Goat. I have a list of all the members of your group. You cannot leave the room with this list. If you like, you may memorize the names for the future."

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