Taking The Prison: Part III

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Glenn picks up the gun and Michonne goes over to frisk the other prisoners. "How are we gonna get out of here? There's a ton of geeks outside that door." Maggie reminds me. I have so much adrenaline pumping I feel like I could kill all of them myself. "We'll have to open the door. Let them in one or two at a time and take them down." I instruct. I walk over to Tomas' body and tear his shirt off to wrap it over Andrea's wound. "They're clean!" I hear Michonne shout. "Okay. I need you and Glenn over here now. We're gonna clear out the geeks one by one, so we can get Andrea back to the block." I announce. With all of us in place, I pull my hatchet from the door and Maggie and Glenn open it controlling the flow of geeks. One by one me and Michonne take turns taking them down. Hatchet, sword, hatchet, sword, taking breaks after every 3 or 4 to move the bodies. About 15 minutes later we've mostly cleared the geeks in the tombs.

"Let's go!" I order, while picking Andrea up. "What about them?" Glenn asks about the prisoners. "Leave 'em. I don't care what they do." I answer. We leave the cafeteria and head for the stairs leading back up to C-Block. At C-Block I take Andrea to a cell on the second level and place her on a bed. Maggie removes Tomas' shirt from her leg and places a clean towel from our inventory over the wound. "Will it heal on its own?" I ask. "Eventually. As long as she doesn't bleed out first. With the right equipment I can try and stitch her up. I learned how to do it from my father." Maggie tells me. I have to find the infirmary. I get up and begin to leave the cell. Michonne steps in my way. "Where are you going?" She inquires. "Back in the tombs, I need to find the infirmary." I tell her. "No. You're gonna stay right here, with her, incase anything happens. I'll find the infirmary." She offers. "What if you run into the prisoners?" I ask. She unsheathes her sword. "I can handle myself." She says as she turns and leaves the cell.

I turn back to Andrea and kneel by her side holding her limp hand, just waiting for Michonne to get back. "Hey. What the hell is goin' on here? What's up with all those bodies? Why are they all rotted and shit?" I hear a voice ask. I leave the cell with Glenn and look down at the lower level to see the 4 remaining prisoners. "You really don't know? How long have you been locked in that cafeteria?" I wonder. "About 10 months. There was some kind of riot going on, one of the guards put us in there and gave Tomas a gun. We've been hearing moans through the door, but we never knew what was going on." The tall, bald, African American one explains. "Those things that you saw us kill, they run the world now, or what's left of it anyway. Everyone you knew, is most likely gone. You should be thankful for that guard, he saved your lives." I tell him. "So we can just leave now?" A smaller African American man asks. "I don't give a damn what you do, just stay out of my way." I respond. "I'm gonna call my girl." He says. I start laughing. "You don't get it do you? The world you know, is over. There aren't any phones, any electricity, any clean water. Even if you could use the phone, I doubt she'd be there to pick it up." I try to explain. "Why don't you go take a look outside." I tell them. They start heading out of the block as Michonne re-enters with medical supplies.

"Is this good?" She asks Maggie as she displays all that she found. "That's perfect. I should be able to stitch Andrea up well with this." She answers as she grabs what she needs. She moves back over to Andrea and removes the towel to begin stitching. I join Maggie by Andrea and use my hand to brush hair out of her face and then take her hand in mine. "We're almost out of the woods sunshine. Maggie's going to fix you up and you're gonna be just fine." I assure her unconscience body. "I'm gonna take a look around the prison." I announce. "I'll go with you." Michonne offers. I nod my head and we both exit the cell and leave the block. "What's the plan?" Michonne wonders. "I wanna check the staff offices. See if there's anything we can use there." I point in the direction of the office building. She nods in compliance and we make our way to the building.

I bang on the door and then put my ear to it to listen for any geeks. I hear a few scattered moans. "Doesn't sound like too many. 3 or 4 maybe." I tell Michonne. She readies her sword as I ready my hatchet and open the door. 2 geeks immediately push the door and come outside to be met by our weapons. We move inside to see 3 more geeks moving down the hall towards us. We easily dispatch of them to clear the hall. There are loose papers all over the floor, as well as some over turned tables and file cabinets. There are 5 doors along the hall that lead to individual staff offices. I open the first door and inside the first thing that catches my eye is a bag of potatoe chips and a bottle of water on the desk. I collect the chips and take a sip of the water before offering Michonne some. I rummage through the desk and find a small revovler and a box of ammunition for it, which I also gather up.

The next 3 rooms have nothing useful so we move to the last door and open it. There is a geek sprawled on the floor with a cast on his leg. He begins crawling towards us before Michonne drives her sword through its skull. Again I search the desk and find another revolver and another box of ammunition to go along with it. I notice a picture on the desk of a man with his wife and child. I pick it up and begin to think about Lori and Carl. "What you thinkin' about?" Michonne asks. "I was with a woman before you found us. Her name was Lori. She was pregnant with our child. I keep wondering where she could be, and if she's safe." I begin. "But I thought you and Andrea were--." Michonne starts. "It's complicated. I care for Andrea, but I don't know if we'd be where we're at right now if Lori was still around." I tell her. "I see." Michonne states simply. She opens up a closet in the corner of the room. "Hey Shane, you're gonna wanna check this out." She tells me. I walk over to see what she wants to show me. It's a set of crutches. "Nice."

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