Taking The Prison: Part II

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Michonne and I were awake all night. Glenn and Maggie are cuddled up sleeping together, and Andrea sleeps with her head on my chest while I just lay here in the grass. As the sun starts to rise I sit up, getting ready to wake the rest of our small group. Michonne has already started waking Maggie and Glenn, so I gently wake Andrea up. "Morning already?" She asks, eyes still closed. "Just about, sunshine. Get yourself ready, we've got work to do." I respond. That being said, everyone stands and stretches before readying our melee weapons from the previous night. Michonne has her sword, I have a hatchet, Glenn has a machete, Maggie has a hunting knife, and Andrea also has a hunting knife.

"Alright, this is it. We get this done right and we can call this place home. We're gonna go for C Block. It looks like the most narrow block, so we won't get swarmed. It'll be the guard room, a narrow hallway, and a room full of cells. Hopefully they're still closed and we can easily take down any that may be inside. We need to stay close and let the geeks come to us. There ain't no reason for us to get overly aggressive." I announce to everyone. "Do you think there's food in there? I'm tired of eating squirrels." Andrea exclaims. "They should have preserved food in the cafeteria. Should be an armory somewhere around here too." I explain. "What do you mean, somewhere around here?" Michonne asks. "They don't keep the armory on site. They don't want it close to the prisoners. Its probly about a quarter mile out in whatever direction. We'll search for it after we clear out the block and get situated." I instruct. "Everyone ready?" The group nods and we walk over to the entrance of C-Block.

"Stay focused, stay together, stay alive." I tell everyone. The group nods and I open the door and enter. There's about a dozen geeks in the first room. We stick together in the wedge formation and begin hacking away. I plunge my hatchet into one geeks head then kick him down and hack at the next one. I can see Andrea stabbing another one through the eye with her knife. Michonne beheads two of them with one swing of her sword. Within a few minutes the room is cleared and we move on to the hallway leading to the cell room. In the cell room all the cells are closed as I had hoped so we move along the downstairs cells dispatching the geeks through the bars, before moving upstairs and doing the same. Just like that, the block is clear. "That's it?" Glenn wonders. "Looks like it. Now we just gotta get these geeks outside and burn them." I tell him. "Can we get some food first? Where's the cafeteria?" Andrea presses. "The cafeteria should be downstairs in the tombs that connect all of the blocks. The entrance is behind the cell room." I explain. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." Andrea says while walking towards the tombs. I look at the rest of the group who seem ready, and we begin to follow her.

The tombs are extra dark since not much sunlight can come through. The halls fill with the sound of moaning geeks. I pull out our only flashlight and lead the way. We move cautiously down the hall until several geeks turn a corner and start moving towards us. I hand the flashlight to Maggie and move ahead with Michonne to easily dispatch of the few geeks. We come to our first door. The plate on the wall is labeled Boiler Room. We have no business there so we opt not to open it right now. We walk further down the hall, as we pass the hall that the geeks came from I look that way and notice a few bodies sprawled on the floor, and a door at the end. I make note of it and continue forward. There is a fork at the end of this hallway and as we approach it, geeks start pouring in from both directions. At least 15 on either side. "Go back!" I order the group. We turn and run, as the geeks give chase. This time we take the hallway that the previous geeks came from, wanting to check that door at the end.

As I run ahead of the group stepping over the bodies on the floor, I hear a piercing scream. It's Andrea. I turn around and see one of the downed geeks chomping at her left calf. I bury my hatchet in its head and throw Andrea over my shoulder and continue down the hall to the door. We get to it, and it's padlocked shut. "What are we gonna do?" Maggie panics. I look back and the geek flood is closing in on us. Michonne, Glenn, and Maggie take some of them down as I pull out my handgun and shoot the lock twice and it pops off the door. I open it and get the group inside and close it behind us, using my hatchet as a wedge to keep the door closed. Surveying the room it looks like we've found the cafeteria. I lay Andrea on one of the tables and tie my belt around her leg. Taking the machete from Glenn, I raise it over Andrea's leg and start to come down with it, but I hesitate for a second, and look worriedly at Andrea. "Do it!" She screams. I bring the machete down on her leg, just below the knee. She screams out in agony and I give it another good whack, taking her leg off as she passes out.

"You're gonna be okay. Hang in there." I say to Andrea, before kissing her forehead. "Shane, we have a situation." Glenn utters. I look up and see five men in prison jumpsuits inside the broom closet of the cafeteria. "What the hell is going on out there?" One of the prisoners wants to know. "I don't have time to talk to you right now. We need to get Andrea back to the block and patch her up." I tell my group. "You're gonna tell me right now, what's going on, or I'm gonna put your brain on the wall." The prisoner says, as he walks towards me and pulls out a pistol. I have no patience for this shit right now. I immediately pull out my gun and shoot the prisoner in the head. "Yo, man, what the hell! You killed him. You fuckin' killed Tomas!" Another prisoner starts freaking out. "You wanna be next?! Shut up! Glenn get his gun, make sure the rest of them are unarmed. Anybody else want to talk?!" I yell.

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