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As soon as my girls are back I told them everything and they all looked pissed off

What is his problem, you guys aren't dating anymore so he should mind his f*****g business and leave you alone or else I'm going to teach him a lesson said Amina angrily 
Let's go ad confront him and knock some senses into his brain
She added

Yes let's talk to him, how can he be so stupid, he wants to ruin your relationship with shamsudeen because he knows that shamsudeen is ten time, a hundred time better than he could ever be karima also said

Zaish nodded in agreement, I'll talk to him tomorrow she said

No, came Aisha's voice who has been listening to them the whole time
They all turned to look at Aisha

Don't talk to him that's what he wants, if you go and confront him he will feel important or remembered, since shamsudeen has believed you don't talk to him, he want you to go and talk to him so if you want what's best for you don't go and who knows he wants you to go so that he'll prove to shamsudeen that you guys are dating as he said. Aisha inquired

She stopped and took a sip of water before continuing
He is jealous that you're dating someone else and you're happy and angry and wicked maybe he regrets what he has done or not or he just wants to see you miserable, act as if you're not bothered by what he has done just act normal. She added

They all agreed and listened to Aisha

Ohk Aisha I won't talk to him I'll act as if it didn't bother me

They all nodded and the air was uncomfortable for them

Then zaish decided to break the silence by gisting them
Girls did I mention that shamsudeen apologized earlier?

What!? They all asked

Yes, when I showed him how angry i was he actually apologized

I thought he said he doesn't say sorry or please replied Aisha and the rest answered with a yes

Abun yabani mamaki ( I'm surprised ) said zaish

And so they continued gisting ad gossiping until they all fell asleep

           Next morning      

It's Saturday and the girls don't have lectures except for Aisha who is studying agriculture so she left early while the rest kept sleeping until it was around 11 am when zaisha was woken up by a voice that seems to be shouting, she couldn't clearly recognize the voice of the person talking because she's still half asleep, she opened her eyes and saw Amina lying down next to her sleeping and that's when she confirmed the voice, it was karima's voice

I'm tired seriously I'm so tired, you don't even care about me,you don't call me or text me.  You don't even pick my calls or reply to my texts what is wrong with you

Spoke karima
She hung up as soon as she saw zaish sit straight

Meyafaru ( what happened ) asked zaish

Nothing karima replied with a convincing yet sad smile

Karima you know you're my best friend please tell me what's wrong with you, we don't hide things from each other remember, zaish said calmly
Please tell me bestie please pleaded zaish

It's your brother said karima and paused for a little while
Zaish on the other hand became more interested in what's the problem,so she listened as she continued

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