Chapter 11 - Work is fun! Every aspect of working, is fun!

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It had gone two days since my ceremony. I have been spending a lot of time with the other ghoulettes, Cirrus, Cumulus, Mist and Sunshine. I hadn't really seen Lilli since the party. The party had been very overwhelming for me. I wasn't ready to cuddle with anyone, but I've let the other ghoulettes pet me and play with my hair a bit.

My hair was a bit different from how it was before transforming, actually, a lot was different about me. My skin was of course gray, and my horns and tail were white. But they had a bit of a pink tint to the very ends of them. That and my face. My face looked fine, honestly pretty great. My face looked more..feline. My irises were a reddish pink and I had developed slit pupils. My back was hurting a lot, but I couldn't really check my back for anything. I did have a small symbol on me though. It sat on my forehead. The symbol was a very light gray and it resembled a burning heart with wings.

I had also developed quite the appetite. I had been eating a lot more animal products. I was practically vegan before. That and I had been eating a lot more in general. I had begun waiting by my door if I heard someone approaching, hoping they'd give me more food. Like a needy kitten.

I have had more weird urges as well. One recurring urge was to chase my tail, surprising, I thought I was a cat, not a damn dog.

I had recently been pretty bored though, I wasn't very close to anyone and I didn't have any work to do. No practice either, well, mot until this morning.
This morning I was eating breakfast at my desk when I heard a knock at my door. I stood up, walked over and opened the door to meet a Sister of Sin. She was shorter then how tall I was unglamoured. That's what the other Ghoulettes said it was called. I was previously around 5"4(163cm), but I had grown to be 5"6(170cm).
The sister was maybe 5'5 (165cm) or 5'4 (163cm). She had told me that Sister Imperator wanted me to help carry some things to her office. The boxes were apparently too heavy for the rest of the sisters and she had guessed that I was bored.

That leads me to what I was currently doing. I was carrying some boxes of mainly books and CDs. Everything had gone well when carrying the first box. I had just walked over to her office, left the box, then come back for the second box. However, when walking with the second box I had walked past a ghoul.

He was tall and thin. A bit scary too. He was maybe around 6ft. He felt a bit like a space heater, he was radiating heat and he smelled like firewood and smoke. I decided to not really pay any attention to him and to not initiate any kind of conversation.

I kept walking until the scent of smoke and firewood got stronger.  That's when I felt a tail poke me from behind. I turned around as I was met with a burning gaze and a silver mask. He was looking down at me.

"So you're the new ghoulette, huh?" I didn't answer, I assumed it was a rhetorical question. He started circling me and sniffing around. He did this for about a minute until he spoke up again. "Stardust, right? I'm Sodomizer, remember that now." I just nodded slowly as he left me. I was so confused, what the fuck was that? 'Whatever Para,  you have a job to do!' I told myself as I kept walking towards Sister Imperator's office.

Later that day the rest of the ghoulettes invited me to hang out with them. I, of course, accepted the invitation. I went over to our common room as I saw all the ghoulettes in a huge pile on the sofa. A huge cuddle pile.

I do actually like cuddles, I just didn't feel safe enough to be in a huge cuddle pile with a bunch of people I didn't know. Well, ghouls I didn't know.

But it looked so nice and fun..I could feel my tail wrapping itself around my thigh as I cautiously approached them. I looked over at them for a few seconds before asking. "C-can I join you..?" As soon as I said that Sunshine and Cumulus made space for me. I laid down as someone I couldn't see wrapped her arms around me.
As I was laying in the pile I could hear low purring. All the ghoulettes, except me, were making the adorable and calming sounds. I relaxed my body as another ghoulette started petting me and playing with my head a bit. It was so calming...I soon heard myself also purring, but a lot louder then the rest of the ghoulettes had been.

The ghoulettes sat up again as Cumulus hugged me and squealed. "Aww you're a loud purrer! That's so cute!" I laughed softly as she kept embracing me. Cirrus had to tell her to stop holding on to me so tightly or she'd accidentally crush my ribs. I laughed a bit as Cirrus was joking, of course.

The rest of the evening with the ghoulettes was filled with us watching weird movies, like clueless and the addams family, and just goofing around.  I told them about things like my old school and how chaotic it had been there, and about the poor pigeon. The rest of the ghoulettes also had weird but funny stories about times where they had accidentally gone feral. Cumulus had apparently eaten two of Cardinal Copia's rats, and Sunshine had bitten Aether at a full moon. Mist probably had the most weirdest story though.

She had felt herself slipping into a feral state and she didn't want to hurt anyone, so she had taken herself into the kitchen freezer. The cold apparently calms her, so the cold freezer would hopefully calm her down. It had actually worked. She has been able to control herself a lot more recently, so the last time she actually hurt anyone or anything was over six years ago.

"I sure hope I won't hurt anything any other time." I told the group. They all agreed with me, but I still knew, in a way, that I would definitely do something worse then I had already done.

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