Chapter 1

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"Hyung, do I really want to read this?" I turned to hyung, his phone placed in front of me on a green app called 'webtoon'. He had opened up one of the many comics in it. "Of course! I promise you'll love it! It's a comic called Eleceed. It's about people who superhuman powers. They call themselves "the awakened"" I cringed. What kind of comic is this? Awakened? The hell does that mean? "Do it for your hyung huh? Don't you love me enough to at least read it?" He pouted, using the love card against me. He knows I can't win against him when he uses that so I sighed, nodding my head. "I'll download the app" that, I did. I downloaded the green app and opened the comic called Eleceed.

Just as Hyung predicted. I actually enjoyed the story, concept, characters, humor, action, and dynamics of the webtoon. It was nice to read.

But I had always wondered why Hyung begged me to read that comic about awakened ones. I guess, it was his way of letting me find out about his secret life as an awakened one. His true self. Or rather, his whole self instead of apart of it.


It's a comic or Manwha about a boy named Jiwoo Seo who is, in fact, an awakened one. He became scared and isolated due to his fast speed, but he never thought it a curse. Rather, he used his power for the good he can but the shadow of fear loomed over him every time. Then, he meets a fat yellow stripped cat. The cat talks. He's surprised but because of this cat that calls itself, Kayden, he learns about "awakened ones". And so begins his journey as an new awakened one. Alongside he mentor cat known as one of the strongest awakened ones. He makes friends, fights enemies, just going around to learn about himself and being an awakened one. That the whole summery of it all.

But my brother, as an only awakened one in the world had no one to rely on. No one to turn to after our father died. At least, I assume so. From what the man said, father was a powerful awakened one as well. The most powerful that the "top 10" feared him. Top 10 refer to the 10 most powerful awakened ones in the world. Thus, making our father above that. And as I assume, Hyung also surpassed that after killing that man even thought he was dying.

Hyung was alone. And even if there were other awakened ones around, I can tell they were only out to kill him. Making father his only ally. Father trained him. Taught him. About everything he could with the time he had left. Assuming the part about "his health playing a major part in his defeat" meant father was sick. And died two years ago. Leaving brother to defend himself and me and mother. Then, we all died.

That's died. Hyung died. And I died. That's what happened.

"" Hyung? I hear hyungs voice. Is hyung still alive? Did we survive!?

"" ah, no, those were hyungs final words before he passed. That means, we truly are gone now. I see now heaven nor hell. I see no light and only darkness. So, is this inbetween? Perhaps between heaven and hell?

"Ow-" I gasped. Gaining feeling again. A tingle going up my right hand. I look, seeing a blue glow. "Hyung?" I asked, reaching out to touch the glow only to realize that glow was coming from me. "Huh?" I lift my hand in front of my face, waving it around as this blue glow follows after it. The tingling continued. The warmth spreaded out through my body. The blue glow on my hand is also consuming the rest of my body. "Wait! Wait wait!!" The rushing warmth started to burn. It felt like I was being burnt alive from the inside out. "GAAAH" I screamed, falling to my knees in this darkness. Seeing only myself and the blue hue. "Hyung!!! Hyung help!!!" I panicked, tears pricking the side of my eyes as the glow started to crackle into tiny sparks. Popping here. Popping there.

On my arms. Back. Chest. Legs. Feet. I could see and feel every blue crackle like watching mini fireworks dance all around my skin. "Breathe" I hear a voice. Hyung. It's hyung! "Hyung help!!! Please!!!" I reached out into the darkness, trying to grab anything when I finally saw something of light. Hoping to god it was hyung. When I reached that light, I saw it was a memory. A vivid memory replaying as my body felt the burning and popping intensify. The popping and crackling escalate. It hurt two times more than before.

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