chapter 1

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3rd person, Virgil's POV

Virgil was laying on his bed, strolling through Tumblr.  By looking around his room you wouldn't know the walls were purple because they were covered in band posters, nightmare before Christmas posters and pictures of everyone. There were still spider webs on the ceiling that his two pet spiders (Marcus and Marek) made. Virgil’s bed was a double bed with purple bedding and black pillows. Virgil was wearing his usual clothes but his jacket was fashioned because today, as much as he hated, was a binder free day to let his chest have a rest and breather.  Binder free days meant Virgil wasn't leaving his room for anyone, even Patton or the dark sides. Even though the dark sides know he is a trans man. He wasn't even going to leave his room for his boyfriend, Roman. 

Anyway back to what Virgil was doing. Virgil was bored because:
1) he had done nearly everything on his phone multiple times
2) Patton had taken his TV away because he went a whole week without sleeping or moving away from the TV.

If Virgil wasn't having a binder free day, he would have gone to the living and watch his shows on the main TV but nope he needed to stay hidden away so no one would see his chest and work out he wasn't cis gender. Because if they worked out he wasn't cis gender, he could be kicked out of the light side which means he would be a dark side again which means he would be hated by the lights. Which means he wo-

Virgil was knocked out of his spiral by the door knocking. He looks at the door, startled. "W-who is it?" He called out. His voice was very shaky because he didn't want anyone to see him.  "It's Roman. I know you wanted to be alone to charge your social Battery. But I have something for you and I wanted to ask you something. You can send me away though if it's too much".  Virgil smiles listening to his boyfriend talk before pausing as he realises what Roman said.  He quickly got up and, making sure his chest was hidden as much as possible, went and opened the door. He didn't open his door fully, only enough to stick his head through. Roman was holding a bunch of purple flowers.

"Hi Roman". Roman smiled at him and handed him the flowers. "What did you want to ask me?" Roman smile seems to grow even more "would you do the honour of joining me on a romantic picnic in imagination tomorrow?"   Virgil blushes before nodding. "I'll pick you up at 4 tomorrow, have a wonderful day my prince". As Roman leaves, Virgil closes his door and collapses on his bed in bliss.

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