The link to the garden

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The days that passed were flooded with images of the hazel eyed boy, that boy that sent her heart pumping, that boy who made her blush like crazy...that boy who won her heart. June was on edge thinking about what she was going to do for her science class she had to research bacteria, which was fine, but she also had to research bugs and invests which grossed her and scared her to death. Once when she was little, she saw a movie with bugs coming out of people's mouth because it was eating people's guts and she could never erase that thought out of her mind and it has scared her ever since. Just then a familiar fellow was waving at her, "Hi!", he said, she couldn't believe who it was she had to pinch her cheeks to realize she wasn't dreaming, "oh h-hi, what brings you here?", she could barely speak, Lucas was talking to her, the Lucas she had a crush on. "I was just passing by and thought I should say 'hi'", he said, then he walked off. June could barely believe what just happened, she could barely even wrap her head around what he said and to think she was on his mind while passing by that made her squeal in excitement. Little did she know Lucas also had been catching small feelings, ever since the first day they met. He couldn't help but stare at her during lunch, but he had to act cool. And when she bumped into her in the dark hallway that day, his heart pumped like crazy, but she didn't know.

Later that day June finished with her work quickly so she decided to visit the library, this would be the first time there since it was under construction to improve it. If June thought the library was already massive and amazing from the pictures well, she was sure in for a surprise now, it was much more spacious and there were so many more seats and the ceiling felt as high as Mount Everest itself. She decided to go and sit at the 8th floor of the library, but that was not the highest floor which amazed her. There weren't many people there which was the perfect place for her to figure out what the problem meant on the carving at the tree.

The scenery at the 8th floor was absolutely stunning, people don't really come up here since they didn't know there was a secret elevator in a maze of bookshelves and it was completely hidden, the reason June found this is because she got lost and accidentally found it, and people wouldn't walk up 8 long, tall flights of stairs either. The 8th floor was filled with bean bags, multicolored and there was a big circular window that showed a view of the whole side yard of the school and the flower garden. There was also a place she could do her work without having anyone disturb her or take a glimpse at what she was doing. She went to sit in the corner of the room where nobody was at and started writing away the thoughts that appeared in her mind. The sketch of the jasmine, a for-get-me-not flower, a vine, a peony, a rose, a daisy, a lily and a lock that was unlocked was haunting her at his point and she didn't know what it meant just then she could feel somebody lurking behind her. She held her arms so ready to fight the person and then rapidly turned. "Arggg...", she suddenly forgot what she was going to say and put her hands down, "h-h-hi, what are you doing here you scared me for a second", said June. "Oh, I could tell you were scared you were about to throw punches at me and I kinda followed you here, sorry, I saw you got lost so I was going to help you but then you found the elevator and came here so I followed", said the hazel-eyed boy with a innocent smile afterwards. Lucas then peeped behind her and saw her sketch of the carving. "Wait a second..." he said with his eyebrows raised. 'Oh no I'm going to be caught' was what was going on in June's mind after he said that. Then he opened his mouth and said, "did you draw this, it's just like the gardens in the school, you know at surrounding the school, but where's the lily and lock coming from?" he asked after. June didn't know what to say, 'was he just playing a fool or what', then she came back to reality. "Yeah, those flowers just looked pretty so I drew them, and I just like lilies and I just drew the lock for fun", she said tying to quickly find the words in her mind, Lucas replied with a, "ok" and went down, exiting the library.

Once June saw that Lucas had gone out the huge, wooden double doors she finally felt relaxed, then she went back to her seat. She thought about what Lucas just said and had a thought, 'what if he actually gave her the answer' she went to the big circular window which was a clock if you looked from the outside, from that she could see two of the four gardens, she could see the forget-me-not flower garden on her right and the on the left she saw the peony garden. Then she ran to the opposite side of where she was which also had an enormous glass window, there she could see the rose and daisy garden. "1, 2, 3, 4...wait a second where's the 5th one, the vine", she said to herself quietly. She then walked back to seat and drew the map of the school, hoping to get a clue out of it. "The school faced the west, and the tree maze faced the north, and the peonies are at the southwest, the daisies were in the southeast the forget-me-nots in the northwest and the roses are at the northeast", mumbled June, "but then the vine, where are they", she questioned to herself.

Then she felt somebody creeping behind her again, 'why was everybody wanting to creep on her when she was trying to concentrate', she thought then she turned around and thought to just slap Lucas if he came back even though it was her crush, she just didn't want him to figure out about the sketch. She stood up quickly with rage building up inside of her but then she saw that it was Theodore and she held her hand up ready to slap somebody, luckily, she stopped first, but their faces were quite close. "I just found you by accident didn't think you'd be here, also why are you going to slap me?" asked Theodore as he pointed to her left hand and was also half confused, "I just thought it was someone else" replied June, "well then who did you think it was?" asked Theodore again. June just looked at him, as he sat, for a second and his eyes met hers, then she took her seat and continued to ignore his question. They sat in awkward silence for a moment but then Theodore spoke up to break the ice, "what you doing there?" asked Theodore. "You are sure asking a lot of question today," said June with a little smirk forming on her face, "I'm just you know drawing a map of the school". Then she handed the drawing to Theodore, he picked it up and examined it, "why didn't you draw the vine garden?" asked Theodore, June looked at him blankly, "ah, I get it, you don't know, well I guess that's because you ignored the board, it tell us all about the gardens, you know, the one that is at entrance lobby downstairs", said Theodore. June's face was still blank and that means she had no idea was he was saying, to her he was practically speaking gibberish. "Well anyways", said Theodore," here is where the vine garden is, since it does not grow on the ground it grows on the walls it is at this side of the wall here", then he drew and labeled the side of the wall that had the vines for her, it was in between the daisies and peonies, it was where June saw Lucas with Kourtney, 'that blush monster' June thought to herself.

Then the two friends looked at the time and was shocked it was late and they had promised to meet with their friends in the boys' dorm. They rushed to the other building where the dorms were and was out of breath once they got there. The two saw that everyone was there, and both collapsed to the floor, laughing, even though they were out of breath.

After Theodore finished showering after June the friends sat on the circular sofa the boys had, it was really big like REALLY REALLY big and it was pretty wide too, but it wasn't a problem because the boys' room was bigger than all the others. June tied her hair up in a bun after quickly blow drying it and came to sat down next to Theodore and Nectar and the friends started to talk and tell each other about the problems and the day they had. As Theodore started to talk about the 'library incident', before he could reach the part where he found June, June shot him a glance that meant 'don't talk about this or else I will kill you' so Theodore just quickly made a lie, and Theodore was pretty good at making lies too so everybody believed him, the only person Theodore couldn't fool was June because she was an even better liar. Then the night just continued that way for a few hours then the friends all separated and went to their dorms and June was leaving she thanked Theodore and went out as Theodore shut the door behind her.

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