Her First Crush

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In a meadow close to the city lived a family. June Swan, a girl with brown hair that looked like the sweetest chocolate; pale white, pearly skin like the snow and her rosy cheeks always stood out. Another feature that stood out was her eyes, her eyes were the color of a meadow, bright, yet soft green and she would always put stars and sparkly glitter around her eyes. And a lot of the towns people admired her for that, but what stood out the most was her sweetness and how she always took care of those who are in need all the time, even animals. She also had three brothers, one was older and the other two were younger and their names were, Benjamin, Wyatt, and Timothy. All of them had grey-ish blue eyes like their mother which made June different from them, she had the same-colored eyes as her dad that died in a car accident but even though the siblings were different, they loved each other to bits. Though, the siblings all had two things in common, they all of them had rosy cheeks, and that they were all going to the same school, White Lilly Academy.

The new school year had just opened, and June was so excited to make friends in her new school. The day had gone by with every class being an introduction to high school and soon it was lunch. The cafeteria was a long hallway room, filled with chatter from the other students. June then found herself getting lunch and sitting with her class peers when suddenly the double doors swung opened, there, entering the room were the basketballers, Duke, Chad, James, Noah and the most dashing of them all Lucas. She fell in love with him the second in walked into the doors and boy, was he a hot. All the cheerleaders and girls swooned and swarmed at him, but he walked away, and while he did, he turned and made eye contact with June and gave her a wink that sent butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't help but blush really hard in front of him and he chuckled at the sight of the girl blushing.

The day came to an end and while she was walked towards the exit June and Lucas passed each other in the hallway which sent her heart pounding, even if it was just passing by, she felt a connection with him that made her feel like she was going to melt. But she held herself together and stood up tall so nobody would know.

The next day was the day she had PE and she had to admit it, she wasn't that great at it and so she felt like all her energy was drained. But once she found out who was also in this class with her, she felt as if she were the happiest girl alive. There, playing basketball, with his friends was Lucas, in the school's team basketball shirt. June thought, 'he even looks hot while sweating', just then the coach called everyone to the center of the room to start the lesson. It was scorching out and the teacher made everybody do extreme workout. Everything was going great but just then, at the hurdles, June missed and scratched her knee really badly, a crimson liquid was starting to be seen oozing out from the injury. It hurt so badly, and everyone came and circled around her, people were whispering and looking at her which made her feel insecure. Just then Lucas came running with a wet cloth, ointment, and bandages. He came and help treated her wound, and for the first time June could really take a long look at his face. 'He is such a darling', she thought to herself. He looked so caring and was so focused in helping June, it made her fell so loved. She felt so warm inside, and she could feel a raging fire inside her burning to his heartbeat, just then the moment was cut short by a loud whistle, it came front the coach and everybody went back to their places.

After class was over the brunette boy she fell in love with came to her and asked if she was okay, along with his friends, she smiled and just walked away limping, but her friends kept her safe while walking to their next class. As her friend group, June, Nectar, Pearl, Starla, Oliver, Theodore and Alexander, was in the elevator going to their next class, which they all had together, Nectar a girl with yellow and light brown hair, said, "June, I don't know if it's just be or is Lucas falling for you, because he has really paid attention to you back there", all her other friends in the elevator nodded in agreement. She just told them it was nothing and turned to face the other direction but inside her heart was pounding, it was pounding so loud it could jump out her chest, but she shook the thought out of her head and headed to class.

While getting something from her locker, she thought she heard someone coming up the stairs which was odd because the school was already over, and she forgot something, so she came back to get it. But she saw nobody. Then as she was leaving, she bumped into someone, the school hallway was dark and gloomy and she could barely see so she didn't know who it was, then the lights magically turned on and there, before her, was Lucas she stared into his bright hazel eyes for a moment and looked away, mumbled an apology before she left and ran. As she was, their hands touched, and she felt all warm and fuzzy inside. Little did she notice that her anklet fell off, and Lucas found it, the initials that were carved on it was J+L but Lucas didn't think much of it he just thought it was his and hers names and found it somewhat odd. Once she got back home, she stook all thoughts of Lucas away for a moment and went to eat dinner with her mum and brothers, it's been a while since she went home because she and her brothers all slept at the dorm the school had to offer, and with what just happened to her, she wouldn't risk seeing him at the dorm since the boys and girls dorm was connected. Even though the house was not a mansion or was as big as the dorm dining table it was a warm place where she felt like she could escape from all the drama she was dealing with.

The next few weeks were hard for June, there was much work that needed to be done and with her applying for a job it was even more to stress about, suddenly as she was reading her book while walking through the corridor, she was stopped by someone, she looked up as saw that it was her big brother Benjamin.

"Watch out, you might slam into an opened locker, your carelessness is going to get yourself injured again, like your knee", then he chuckled, gave her a smile and walked away. And once June looked the direction she was walking towards at first, she could see a bunch of girls giving her looks and looking disgusted. It was no surprise they gave her that look because Benjamin, aka one of the school's most hottest boys, with his light brown, messy hair, and fit body, was talking to her and all the girls were jealous about why he didn't talk to them instead of the new 10th grader. June just decided to continue read and walking just them she bumped into someone again.

"Wyatt is it you, am I really goi-"

Her sentence was cut short once she looked up to see who it was, Lucas, she blushed and dropped all the books she was holding. She hurriedly tried to pick them all up and Lucas bent down and helped her. As the two picked up the book, their hands touched, and an electric shock shocked them both. She stared at Lucas' glistening eyes and noticed that there were flakes of gold inside them, Lucas stared back into her warm meadow-colored eyes. Just them she was snapped back into reality, took the last book, mumbled a thank you and an apology and ran away from there at lightning speed. Lucas just stared in shocked, smirked and walked away to his next class, whistling. As June entered the classroom and took her seat, she knew for sure she was falling for him, hard, but she didn't want to admit it, at least not yet. She didn't get to daydream much in the class since the strict math teacher snapped her back into reality, with a question she didn't know the answer to. June didn't like math, but she loved art, health and English, especially English, because that subject is her specialty, it's one of the subjects that she could escape reality.

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