He kept clouding her mind

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A few days later there was the party hosted by a student it was for their 100th day anniversary, the students name was Aiden and Katie, and they were both her classmates in Health class, and they have been together for 100 days now. The party was not as big as a usual party, but they did have cake and decorations and only a dozen people were invited, luckily June was one of them. She didn't spend a lot of time at the party she just congratulated them, brought them a present and took some cake so she could share them with her friends. As she was walking back to her dorm she bumped into Lucas and it looked like he just showered, his hair was still wet and drops of water sat on his delicate eyelashes, and some drops also fell from his hair. He looked so sweet and cute, but June snapped back to reality she apologized and then ran and ran and ran. She ran so fast that she was so far away she couldn't hear Lucas calling for her and telling her she forgot something that was with him.

Once she got back to her room she quickly went in and she was surprised to see the whole friend group there, and the whole friend group was surprised to see June in a hurry back, just then they all caught on to what might happen due to her burning, blushing cheeks and running away frantically, it is not hard to guess what happened, but one thing was for sure it had something to do with Lucas. June knew that look, the look that all the friends shared told her the obvious, 'Love'. She than gave them a look back, the look was a look her friends knew well too it said, 'Nope, never'. Then they all sat down in a circle and ate the cake she got from the party together and played some games together too. After everybody went to their rooms June went to do her homework for the day after and today's because she was planning to go to the tree maze again the day after. But not long after she started doing her homework, her mind went from concentrating about her homework to concentrating about Lucas, the thought gave her a fuzzy feeling she did not approve of, she felt her cheeks go warm and she touched them for extra measure. Nectar noticed it and asked, "Why are you blushing?", but in reality, Nectar already knew the answer because she was going through it now, she was in love with a boy in another class called Jamie, he had light brown eyes with black hair and freckles, and she would blush because the thought of him sent a fuzzy feeling through her spine. But not like June, Nectar accepted the feeling and asked him out and he agreed, so she encouraged June to do the same, accept the feeling and ask him out but June refused June wouldn't admit it and just told her that she was just going to continue her homework first. June thought, 'Why can't I get this jerk out of my heard I'm trying to work, and he just pops up out of nowhere'.

Maybe it was because she didn't want to have a boyfriend yet, or maybe it was because she didn't admit it that's why she wouldn't accept the feeling of love but in reality, there was one thing June feared, the fear of falling. Falling into a pit of sorrow and sadness. She knew she was afraid of falling in love, she was scared she will be the only one who falls and to avoid that she wouldn't admit the feeling so she can trick her mind into believing that she wasn't in love, and she wasn't going to fall.

That night she could barely sleep due to the excitement of getting to adventure the next afternoon into the maze of trees and to discover why there was just a single white lily growing amongst the roses. But another thing that was continuously bugging her was him, Lucas, she couldn't help but think about him and no matter how hard she tried the thought of him stuck, tight. The thought wouldn't let go and thoughts of the dashing prince of her dreams kept on smiling at her making her feel butterflies and warm all throughout her body. She was not thrilled, what is she doesn't wake up because she didn't get much sleep and oh how she wished the thought would go away but then again, she also what happy to see this face again. She wishes she could go on a date with him but then was pulled back to the thoughts of how she wasn't in love with him. It took her hours before she fell asleep and once, she did it was already 2:40am and it was way past the time she usually went to bed.

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