Chapter 34- Some Makeshift Home

Start from the beginning

They had been playing truth or dare on the car ride from the station to the school.

Mina had spent the past week staying at one of the Starling estates close by, and she had offered to pick up Sanya, Edmund, and Lucy in the car.
Sanya had accepted, because she didn't want to walk while carrying heavy suitcases- but Lucy had not, because she enjoyed the walk.
Edmund had been torn, because part of him wanted to ride comfortably in the car with Sanya and without the burdens of suitcases- but the other part of him didn't want to leave his sister alone.
Sanya had told him that he was a wonderful brother, kissed him when Lucy had looked the other way, and told him to have a nice walk with his sister.
"And what dare would you have even given while in a moving car, hm, Starling?"

Mina looked too cocky for Sanya's liking, "I assure you, Rainsford, I would have thought of something."

Sanya made up her mind to never opt for dare while playing with Mina ever. She was as frightening as she was stunning.
"Should we head-"

"Sanya!" Someone shouted- the voice sounded happy, so Sanya assumed that it was Lucy- but the long-limbed brunette who ran up to her was not her sister-in-law.


Meghan Roslyn didn't waste a moment in wrapping her arms around Sanya, "I've missed you!"

She didn't hug back immediately, absolutely overwhelmed with befuddlement.
Hadn't Meghan been...a child?
The girl in front of her now was as tall as her!
It had been a year and a half since she had last seen her- they had written regular letters for a time, though it had petered out a couple of months into Sanya's visit to America- but seriously! She had grown so much.
"You're so tall now." She said weakly, finally hugging her back. This was how she had felt when Jem had hit growth spurt after growth spurt. Disoriented, a bit saddened- but also proud. "How've you been!?"

Meghan pulled back, and smiled, "Alright. I have a little sister now, so Mummy doesn't bother me as much. Daddy got a promotion a few months ago, so he's spending more time at home- I taught him how to braid my hair yesterday."

"Can you teach me?" Sanya asked with a laugh- but she wasn't joking.
She did not know how to braid- it was something Selene had judgingly scoffed at her about several times, even though she had never learnt to braid, either. And Seraphina had almost always sported short hair, so she hadn't needed to.
"Which form are you going into now? Third or-"

"Lower fourth. I skipped third." She didn't like the number three. "Most of my mates did, too."

Mina felt she had been silent for too long, so she spoke casually, "There's a chance you all would've failed third, so that's probably a good thing."

The young girl scowled at her, despite the spots of pink on her cheeks, "Rude as ever, Miss Mina."

The blonde smirked, "Petulant as ever, Petal."

Did they have to argue so soon? They weren't even actual rivals- no one could use such an adorable nickname as 'Petal' for a true rival.
Mina had only started sniping at Meghan one grey day because Sanya had had a headache, and so she had been even worse company than usual. And, in the blonde's head, the alternative to chatting with an indisposed Sanya was to argue with a child.
Meggie was only fourteen, for Heaven's sake! Surely Mina could find better targets.
Sanya was getting another headache.
"You really have grown." Perhaps it was the headache, but she felt almost emotional. "I don't think you can fit under bathroom sinks anymore?"

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