Chapter 34- Some Makeshift Home

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Oh, some have laughed and some have cried,
And some have scoured the countryside;
But off they ride through wood and glade,

There was so much screaming. Sanya didn't understand it. At most, these people had been separated from each other for a year- and still, they were shouting and cheering like madfolk? Even she had not acted like this, when she had reunited with the one she loved after A THOUSAND YEARS.

She personally felt not an ounce of excitement about being back at school. She was supposed to be happy about six o' clock wake up times again?

Not likely.

They were in the courtyard in front of the school- it was a Sunday, and students had been arriving from the morning onwards.
No one seemed inclined to go indoors to see their new dorms and classrooms- which Sanya did understand, for it was a rare warm day.

Part of her did want to go up the dorm, sink into the not-very-comfortable mattress and stay there until someone dragged her out, though.
She was very tired, and she missed Edmund already. She couldn't wait until she could sneak over to Hendon...

Oh, and she couldn't wait to head over to the pool, too- she would be going for a swim as soon as possible, she had missed it so much. The only part of this Heavens-forsaken place she'd missed.

Mina elbowed her, "Don't be such a sourpuss."

She made a face at her, "I haven't even said anything."

"It's your face."

"Can't change my face."
She wished she could.

"No, but you can change your expression." She said, and then smirked. "See? You think I'm pleased to be back at this asinine institution? Not in the least, but I'm hiding that, because anger and bitterness provoke wrinkles, and do nothing for my complexion."

Sanya snorted, "You'd get along with Susan."
Speaking of Susan, she missed Bonnie. She wasn't going to say that out loud, but she missed her very much. School would be odd without her- she was used to not being with her during classes, but they'd been together most of the rest of the time.
At least she had Mina.

Mina rolled her eyes, "She certainly knows her way around makeup-" Susan Pevensie was very, very pretty, makeup or not, "but she's far too stolid, for my tastes."

She didn't feel like that was a fair argument, "I'd say that I'm stolid, too-"

"No, you're not. Being shy and cynical doesn't make you sensible."
Mina had been thinking lately that, if she attended university, she might take up psychology. It was truly fascinating to dig into someone's psyche and explore hidden parts of themselves.
And, unlike Sanya- who also had a keen interest in psychology- she could actually talk to people, as was a requirement to study the subject or be a psychologist.
"Besides, no one even a bit stolid would have-" she lowered her voice to a quiet whisper, "sex in their grandmother's car."

Sanya looked annoyed, "I knew I shouldn't have told you about that."
She should just keep secrets in her heart, and never let them out of there. She had not known that having friends meant being teased so often and so mercilessly.

"Your fault for choosing truth."

"Ugh, I was too lazy to pick dare."

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