6)I think i like you ?

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Oh and can y'all start commenting tf .
Janet POV
April 19th
Sherman oaks high

So it's been little over a week since me and Toni been I guess "talking " and it's been cool.

At first I thought she was just trying to get in my drawls I still think she is but other than that she's cool people.

So today I'm kinda piss because my car is in the shop. Toni said she'll pick me up but I told her no cause I don't wanna seem like we dating or something, I'll just take the bus.

We were in our last block of the day, My favorite class . Mrs Rashad stood up to hand us back our test we took.

She handed me mine and smiled. I flipped it over and it was an 100.

"So class I'm very disappointed yet not surprised. Only one person passed their test and I'm pretty sure she was the only one who studied to, so thank you Janet."

I really hate when teachers do that now the class is going to hate me and think I'm a teacher pet.

"Next class I will be handed out another test so you guys better studied. Y'all are seniors it's April you guys need to get your act together."

*RING RING* the last bell rung. As I was putting my books in bag to head out I heard Tyra and her friends talking bout me yet again.

"Of course she got a good grade that's all she do is study and be ugly like who gives a fuck the hoe has nothing better to do. " her friends giggled and walked out.

I blew a breath walking to my locker just ignoring them as usual.

"Hey Jan " I closed my locker looking at Nicki with a pout.

"Hey girly  what's wrong?"

"I got detention again " she said sighing.

"Well maybe if you do your work instead of being under bey you won't have detention."

"She just so addicting it's like crack and I'm definitely hooked " she said smiling.

"Well crackhead I gotta go and catch the bus so I'll call you later."

"Okay bye love you "

"Love you too" I walked out and looked at my phone the next bus don't come till another 15 minutes.

As I got ready to walk to the bus stop a black Range Rover pulls into the student parking lot. I know this is not who i think it is.

The car door open  and lo and behold it was Toni. Now I told this girl I didn't need her to pick me up.

"Hey cutie" she said walking up to me smiling.

"Hey Toni , what you doing here ? "

"I came to pick you up" I can feel girls staring a hole in my head.

"I told you I didn't need a ride " she looked me up and down.

"And I told you I don't take orders so come on. You to pretty to be on the city bus " why is my body following her to her car?

Before we can get in the card someone stopped us.

"Hey Toni. " it was Tyra.

Toni just stared at her. "How you know her ? " she said with so much disgust.

"Why the fuck you wanna know ain't you supposed to be somewhere on your knees." I try so hard not to laugh. For once I didn't think she was rude.

"Toni don't act like you didn't like it" she looked at me a smirked.

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