2. A New Foe Has Appeared

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        I never really took the time to look at him despite his tendency to sit by me. He has a nice face. Sure, there was a scar near his right eye, but it didn't detract from his looks. I also wonder how his hair was always perfectly split between red and white.

        I gently pried open the backpack so I could take a peek inside. I should probably turn this into the police. Wearing a disguise, of course. It's embarrassing to admit, but I've garnered a reputation among the police because of my habit. Or maybe, I should throw it in the street. I don't want to talk to the police, especially since of my taxi fiasco and since my dad is the police. Also, if they don't believe my little story of crashing into one of the perpetrators and switching bags, I don't have to worry about getting accused of stealing either.

        "Seems simple enough," I said to myself. I gazed down at the backpack that was loaded with cash. As long as no one finds out about this, then it'll be fine.

        I heard the train car shudder. My body swayed back and forth as the entire train shook. Shortly after, a loud thud caused my backpack to fall from my lap. It fell down next to Peppermint Hair, leaning on his left leg. He immediately gazed over to see that my backpack was wide open and full of cash. Some money even slipped out and landed on his thigh.

        Ah, crap.

        "Excuse me..." I nervously said. I reached over to grab the cash that landed on his thigh. But as I did, my pinky finger slightly grazed over his crotch.

        Ah, crap.

        With a flash, I pulled my hand away. I shakily stuffed the money back into the bag. It started getting hot, and I started to sweat. Oh no. He must think I'm a pervert. I glanced over to the group of girls to see that their faces were flushed red. They were out for my blood. I should hurry up and grab my bag and leave before they break my fingers.

        I went to pull the bag to my side when he suddenly grabbed it. We both ended up lifting the backpack, holding it up between us like we were in The Lion King. I swore I heard The Circle of Life begin to play. I awkwardly stared at Peppermint Hair. His turquoise and brown eyes stared back at me blankly. I sat there for a split second trying to process what the heck was happening. Is he going to let go now? What is he doing? I bet he thinks I stole all this money. He's going to report me. I'm a perverted thief.

        "Um..." I started, breaking away from his unwavering gaze.

        He seemed to get the cue. He let go of the backpack but because we were sharing the weight by holding one side, the backpack tipped over to him causing all the money...to spill out.

        Woosh! Cash spilled over on his face and onto his lap. People immediately took notice of the brightly-colored green bills as they fluttered all over the floor. 

        Ah, crap.

        It started to get really hot now, like I was in a sauna.  "E-excuse me...." I said through my teeth. I stiffly kneeled on the floor and proceeded to silently gather up all the money. The boy next to me kneeled down and helped too. Seeing that, the girls who were stalking him immediately joined in as well. I'm assuming they just wanted to have an excuse to get close to him. One girl in particular was getting very comfy with him. Within the span of a minute, her shoulder was nearly touching his. It looked like she wanted to say something to him. She opened her mouth to speak when the boy cut her off.

       "You have a lot of money."

        I nervously chuckled. "Ahaha... Yeah..." I tried to avoid eye contact with him. It was really hard to since he kept on staring me down. Then he asked where I got it from. Hearing that, my hand froze midair.

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