"...if you could live as someone like me, would you do it?" Hyung asked out of the blue, well, I guess more of a continuation of our previous conversation. Still, I thought it ended once we walked through those doors. "Honestly?" Hyung nodded his head, his eyes still on the road but I could tell he seriously asked. Perhaps hyungs been sorry for me because of his popularity or looks. Or his intelligence. I'm not sure, maybe all of them. But seriously, I'm alright. In fact, I'm glad hyung took all those traits. If I had, I'd be attracting attention wherever I went. "...no. I like being a normal person. Not ugly nor handsome. Not dumb but not too smart. Not popular but not lonely. I'm fine with how I am now Hyung, I'm being serious. So stop it already" I glared at him, hoping he'd stop feeling empathy for something that doesn't even bother me in the slightest.

"Alright" Hyung smiled, a sense of relief suddenly appearing on his face. For a while now, he did look a little strained but after our conversation, he looked relaxed. Taking this as a good sign, I also smiled and relaxed. We stayed quiet, listening to music until we arrived home.

As predicted, once we stepped out of the car and onto the pavement, our mother bursted through the house gates and squeezed brother so much he actually had to push mom away. "You-!? Why didn't you tell me you were coming!?! Gosh and here I didn't cook!!" She hit his arm a couple of times before taking his hand and tearing up. Brother apologized countless times, calming down our lovely mom before leading her into the house. I walked close behind with the cake.

"It's your birthday next week" brother started as he sat down our mom on the couch. I set the cake on the small table in front of us, sitting beside mom as we both watched Hyung dawdle about. "Get to the point dear~" mother went right back to herself after letting a few tears and sobs out, now becoming increasingly curious and annoyed by brother stalling. I huffed out a laugh, catching it before I could laugh in his face. He glared at me.

"Ahem-" he cleared his throat, taking a deep breath then pulling out two different boxes. Both are small. One white and another black. "Since I'll have to leave for the states over the weekend. I'll miss celebrating your birthday so...I wanted to celebrate it as soon as I got home" he smiled, taking a step to us both and placing the white box in mom's hands and the black one in mine. I looked up at him, confused because it's mom's birthday, not mine. "Open it. I might not be here for your birthday either because it's the same week for final exams" he scratched the back of his head, a shy but modest smile on his face . "Oh my!?" I jumped at mom's shout and turned to her, my eyes widened at the diamond necklace in her hands. "Wh-" I turned to ask my brother where the hell he got the money but he beat me to it.

"I've been saving up for awhile now and was able to save enough to buy you a ... diamond necklace. I know you always wanted something expensive so, haha-" he walked into the kitchen, grabbing a knife for the cake. "Son..." mom stood up and walked to him, placing the necklace back in his hands. "I can't accept this...how could I-" she started but hyung shook his head firmly. A serious look on his face. The earlier shy smile is completely gone. "Can I spoil my mom? At least accept this necklace, I put a lot of effort into it" Mom hesitated. Seeing this, Hyung walked behind her, brushing her hair to the side and clicked the necklace on her. "See? You look beautiful. Of course the necklace only adds to your beauty" Hyung chuckled when hearing mom scold him for saying this, but we both could see the shiny tears prickling at her eyes.

We caused a lot of pain and suffering after our father left us. She worked tirelessly on her own for a long time and finally, we can give back to her. Despite everything, mom never told us she wished she never had us. She never took her anger out on us. She only ever showed us never ending love. "Me too! I'm going to get mom a jewel even more expensive!" I rose from my seat, determined to beat my brother in that one thing. Hyung laughed, walking to me and putting me into a headlock. Something he hasn't done in years. "I'd like to see you try!" He joked, rubbing my head. "Mom!!!" I yelled trying to escape as mom laughed while crying. "Oh my adorable boys~ come here~" we both paused, smiling as we walked to our mother. Our tall selves leaned down to hug her petite body. "I love you both so so much...these jewels could never compare to you both" she gave us a kiss on the cheek, leaving me and my brother in a good mood as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed some plates.

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