Chapter 4: Snow Joy

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"Oh wait! X, give me a second. i'll be right back!" I say, hopping off the couch and walking to the kitchen. X gave me a small nod and turned back to the TV.


Still Four's P.O.V: I got to the kitchen and started to look for the popcorn packet. While looking through all the cabinets, I finally found the popcorn packet. Me grabbing the bowl and putting the popcorn in the microwave, I get the butter from the fridge and put it in the bowl. I put the butter back and get the popcorn out of the microwave and put the bowl in the microwave to melt the butter so that the popcorn won't be dry.

After the butter was melted, I picked up the popcorn bag and let the popcorn slide out of it, and it started to pour into the bowl. I threw away the bag and picked up the bowl to shake it around a bit for it to mix with the butter, and I started to walk back to the couch. 

X looked at the bowl and back at me with a smile, I'd smile back at him and place the popcorn between us and sat down on the couch. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it in my mouth, X also grabbed some, but not a lot because he was really into what was happening on the screen. I went to grab more popcorn till I felt something brush against my hand, I looked over to see X staring at me with a tint of orange blush on his face. I felt my face heat up, I swiftly took my hand away and turned my head away from X, looking down a bit. My face felt very hot at this point. I got up and walked to the fridge in the kitchen to get a bottle of water, I then started to chug it down to see if it would cool me off a bit, andddd also kind of make me forget of what happened since it kind of was a bit embarrassing that I just got up and walked away like that.


X's P.O.V: "W-what just happened??" I'd think to myself, "Why did he just suddenly get up like that?" I would just turn back to the TV and try to forget what just happened. But I really couldn't. I just.. couldn't, because that was very odd of him to do, but it was also very cute- Wait, what am I saying!? Were just friends, right?..


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Yeah, I think we're just.. friends. A-anyways, I should just look for four since i'm kind of concerned about why he just got up and walked away like that.

I got up from the couch and walked by the kitchen to hear stuff going on in there, I walked in and saw four just chugging water. "Four, what are you doing?" I said innocently, "U-uh- nothing, let's just go watch TV again." Four said, looking a bit nervous with a hint of blush on his face, I just walked back to the living room, four also following behind me whispering something. I wonder what it was, anyways I hop on the couch and grab some popcorn to stuff in my face.

I glanced over to see four sitting down on the couch and grabbed a bit of popcorn, I wonder what's up with him.. our hands just touched each other's, nothing serious. I slightly blush at thinking of four holding my hand.

Maybe I should.. No, um.. uh, maybe we could? I looked over at four, and I saw that he looked back at me. I reached my hand out, and a hint of blush appeared on my face, and I glanced down at the floor for a minute till four took my hand. I glanced back up at him and saw him smiling at the TV with a hint of blush across his face, I smiled and also looked at the TV. I ended up falling asleep, though I couldn't really remember what happened before I fell asleep.


Four's P.O.V: I felt something fall over on me, I looked over and saw X. I blushed at the fact that he was lying on me, I just looked at him. Smiling, I tried not to move much, but I ended up moving the popcorn bowl to the end table next to me. I wrap my arms around him and fall asleep. 


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I slowly opened my eyes, I forgot that I was sleeping in the living room, and I also forgot that I still had my arm wrapped around X. I quickly moved my arm off of him, I tried to get up, but I didn't really want to since X is still sleeping, but I had no choice. I needed to get breakfast ready, so I slowly shifted away from under X and finally got up, I looked down at X with a small smile and made my way to the kitchen.

I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and placed it on the counter, I also grabbed pancake batter, a spoon, and a pan. I started to walk over to the fridge and grabbed 2 eggs, I then placed one on the counter and cracked the other so I could put it in the pancake batter mix.

(Time skip) 

I placed plates full of pancakes on the table with bacon on the sides of them, I also had poured some orange juice for me. I went to wake up X, who was still sleeping on the couch in the living room, I walked in slowly and tapped on X to wake him up. X slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me with a small smile, I smiled at him as well. "Good morning, sleepy head." I said with a small giggle, X just rolled his eyes with a smile still plastered on his face. "Good morning, Four!!" X got up and hugged me, we started to walk to the kitchen. As I sat down, I forgot that X couldn't get up on the chair on his own. I stood up, walked over to him, and lifted him up on the seat.

X looked at me with a tint of blush being on his face, but still smiled and said, "Thank you!" To me. "You're very welcome, X." I would casually say while walking back to my seat. I sat down with a flop noise made, I grabbed my fork and started to eat. I looked up from my plate to look at X. He was looking outside with a small bit of bacon hanging from out his mouth. I looked around him and saw that small, white snowflakes were drifting down from above. I saw a glitter of happiness form in X's eyes, a big smile formed on his face. I felt my face warm up. He was so adorable when he was happy. 

Once we were done eating, we put our stuff into the sink and ran to get our stuff so we could go outside. I had a red and green sweeter on, and X had a red scarf. We burst from the front door and walked outside, I was amazed, and snow was everywhere. "I've never seen so much snow in one place before," X said, I nodded in response. "it could probably fill up the whole equation playground!" X quickly added on with amazement in his eyes. "It probably could, but who knows? It could fill this place up as well!" I said with a giggle. X laid down into the snow and started to move his arms and legs, I watched as it started to form into a 'snow angel'. I then lay beside X, looking up at the sky as the snowflakes fell on my face. I'd smile and turn to look over at X, who was basically looking at me with a huge grin. I reach my hand over, and X looks at my hand and takes it. As I sat up, I noticed that Leafy and Firey were looking at us. 

I shrugged it off, I just looked at X with a smile. I started to get up. As I got up, X stumbled to his feet almost falling, but I made sure he wouldn't since I have his hand. I helped him gain his balance back. He also kind of stumbled into me a bit, but that's fine.

We started to walk home till I felt someone throw a snow ball at my head. I swiftly turned my head in the direction, realizing that X threw it. So I also threw one at him, and we began to giggle from enjoyment. I felt my face heat up a little, "why do I keep... feeling this way?" I thought to myself. I shook my head to snap me back into reality, I picked up some snow and formed it into a ball and threw it at X, who was still giggling. X then fell to the ground, but he didn't sound sad once he did. He just kept on giggling from the fun he was having. I walked over to X and lifted him up, we started to walk home once again. I opened the door and walked inside, "Hey four, can we drink some hot coco again?" X asked me with a sweet smile. "Of course, X!" I say. I walked off into the kitchen and made some coco for us.

I'd then see X sitting on the couch watching TV, I walked up to him and handed the hot coco to X. I sat next to him and took a sip from my mug, "What are you watching X?" I looked over at him, waiting for a response, "Oh nothing, just a Christmas movie I saw and thought it sounded interesting." X said with a smirk and leaned back a bit.


A/N: Ello!! I just want to say that I'm going to try and update this story as much as I can since school is kinda making me busy and stuff. But i'll try! Anyway, I hope you like this so far! I'm really enjoying making this, I never thought I could make something like it before, lol. But anyways, yeah, I hope you all will enjoy it so far! Have a nice day/night, bye!

Word count: 1742

4X story (BFB) // A [late] Christmas Story- thingy [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now