what do you mean "reddit"

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"Can you dim the lights?" He asked Lucian.

Lucian paused and repeated the question to Kamari, seemingly getting her permission before turning them down.

Lucian looked around the room at everyone talking, looking almost as overwhelmed as Percy was feeling.

He signed Lucian's name sign. "It's okay. You don't have to translate for everybody, just the stuff that sounds important."

A relieved expression crossed Lucian's face for a second before he composed it again, listening carefully. "They're going to look at your scans," he said. "They think it might have something to do with your brain." He paused before fingerspelling, "temporal lobe or hippocampus."

Lucian's face looked every bit as confused as Percy felt.

Lucian gestures to Kamari, "Where's your," Percy assumed he said temporal lobe or the hippopotamus one, but he didn't sign them again, "located?"

Kamari gestures towards the left side of her head near the top and then to the middle back of her head.

She began speaking, "We think your frontal and parietal lobe were injured during your accident. That would explain the temporary loss of hearing and the now non-understanding of language. Is English your first language?"

Percy nodded. "Or Greek."

Percy paused. Since Greek as a language had been practically engrained in him as a demi-god, would that technically be his first language?

"Well, which one did you learn first?"

"..." Percy rubbed the back of his neck. "Both?"

"Since your previous scans weren't very forthcoming, do you know anyone that can speak Greek to test this?"


"Alright, is there a good number we could call them at?"

"Uhh," he paused. He could probably iris message them, but honestly he felt like crap and he really didn't want Nico or Will to feel sorry for him.

And he did not feel like answering a ton of questions at the moment either.

But he also knew they'd be mad at him for not calling so it was a lose-lose situation.

"No." He eventually signed.

He would tell them when he was physically fit enough to run and hide if necessary.


Tony tentatively knocks on Percy's door. It'd been a few days since the new development (the new development being regaining his hearing and the diagnosis of where his brain was actually injured. He'd been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury for a while but since all of the tests they'd done weren't very conclusive they didn't have a set plan to help him heal).

They'd also moved Percy down a floor, which is a good thing, because it means he'll get discharged soon and isn't in the ICU anymore.

Percy had been going to occupational therapy for a while and now that he was well enough they were starting with physical therapy as well.

Tony opens the door. "What's up?" He signs.

Percy sighs. "Reddit." He fingerspells. "I met this dude a while back, he's super sweet and he knows sign, so I thought I'd invite him over. But," he frowned, "I don't have his number."

Tony took a moment to process the information. "So why Reddit?"

"I know he's active in the Jewish subreddit but I can't find his profile anywhere. It's super quiet for some reason too. No one's posting."

"That's probably because it's Passover, Percy." His face looks vaguely amused. "He's probably at Seder."

"...Oh." Percy's face flushes. "I should have known but I haven't been paying much attention to the fate recently."

"Which is understandable."

"Yeah, I guess."

Tony's phone rings. "Yeah? What is it, Tasha?" He looks at Percy's questioning face and fingerspells Natasha.

"Thor just landed on the roof."

"Oh. Um. Okay, can you move my snacks to my lab then?"

"Tony." Natasha's voice sounds vaguely annoyed. "That's not important right now." She ignores Tony's cry of protest, "He brought someone with him."

"Oh, good. Is it a healer?"

Natasha sounds grumpy. "Not the one we asked for."

"Wait. Don't tell me-"

"He brought Loki."

"That B-"

Natasha cuts him off, "He's injured."

"Who? Thor or Loki?"

"A bit of both. I think it would be best if you came  here, Loki seems almost civil when he interacts with you." She pauses. "If you're well, of course. Stay with Percy if this will be too triggering for you."

"No," He answers eventually, "I'll be fine. Just be sure no one lets anything about Percy slip. I don't want a criminal to know my nephew is injured and currently easy to get to. And tell Happy to send a guard or two here in civvies to protect Percy while I'm gone. We don't know if this is another one of Loki's schemes. I'm not taking any chances."

"Good. I'll try to de-escalate the situation here, just hurry."

"Yeah, I will. Good luck."

"Thanks." Natasha states dryly.


Tony hangs up. "I got to go." He signs to Percy. "I'll be back soon, nothing bad happened." (kind of, he reasons to himself)

"...That looked bad. Your face throughout the conversation was not pleasant."

He waves his hand. "Eh, it'll be fine."

He walks out the door, with one last look at a very confused Percy.

Thoughts Can Hurt || Percy & Avengers CrossoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora