"Oh Mom loves that movie, I thought it was boring. You girls are so weird with your old timey movies!" Charlie said with a slight frown. He sort of sounded like Dad there, which made me laugh. I missed the strange little remarks he'd make.

"One day Charlie, you will admire the art of romantic movies based on classic books."

Charlie stuck his tongue out, "I don't know about that."

I ruffled his hair and stood up. "One day kiddo you'll fall in love and you'll watch those movies with a nice girl because you care about her, not because you care about the movies."

Charlie frowned. "I don't want to fall in love. It seems boring and Neal says that it means you need to kiss!"

"What are you guys talking about?" Dad had walked up the stairs and was standing in the doorway. "Charlie you're not allowed to kiss or fall in love yet-"

"No, I just told Angie I don't want to!"

"Good! No dating until you're 30." He pointed at Charlie, "And Angie, same goes for you... or 930... or however that works." Dad turned and whipped his finger around to point at me.

I gave Dad a look. I was going to be twenty-one soon, so it's not like he could actually stop me. I knew he was half joking, but still, I thought it was weird sometimes. If he knew about the whole glowing snow globe thing, he'd probably lose his mind.

"But Dad! If Angie doesn't get to date then she'll never get married and she'll end up living for thousands of years by herself! I'll never get a brother in law, and you won't get any grandkids and you'll end up all alone!" Charlie spouted off.

I just shook my head. It was so strange that the two of them were arguing over this.

"Okay Charlie, how about this. You get your costume on, and we'll talk about who I'll marry later on." I ushered him to his backpack that he dropped on the floor.

"I feel like I may have come in at the wrong time." Bernard sparkly appeared in the doorway, making Dad... and my heart jump.

I immediately turned a little pink and turned away, praying that my snow globe wouldn't appear in my hands again. I was still a bit embarrassed from our whole... conundrum. I hadn't seen him all month since he dropped me off here, and strangely, I really began to miss his presence. The moment I saw him, this strange feeling took over me. I felt like I wanted to be close to him, I wanted to be so close to him it was strange. I chalked it up to liking hugs... I mean, I hugged Dad and Charlie all the time! But it was different than that.

We locked eyes, all other thoughts momentarily leaving my mind. No words were said, we just looked at eachother.

I had been thinking more about him as the month went by. It was weird, I left the North Pole knowing there was some sort of feeling, but I wasn't experiencing it yet. Somehow my snow globe knew it was there before I did. They do say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, so maybe it was proving to be true... I never felt that way before looking at someone. Sure, I thought he was handsome, but at that moment it felt like there was nobody else in the room.

Of course, there were other people in the room, and our staring trance was quickly interrupted by Charlie.

"Bernard!" Charlie ran over and gave him a big hug as well. Bernard was surprised at first to see this reaction, freezing slightly but then relaxing and squeezing Charlie.

"What is he doing here??" Dad rose his hands up questioningly, his face twisted all up.

"He's coming trick or treating with Charlie and I-" The first words finally escaped my mouth.

The Workshop: A "The Santa Clause" Fanfiction. (Bernard x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now