chapter 3

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We all walked outside. As we walked more into we heard loud shouting.




It was pathetic. No one knew anything. I looked back at the girls.

'It's just the same old blaming.' I said rolling my eyes. We made our way, pushing past everybody to get into the school.

'Um, Ruela, Violet, Willow and Caramel. We would like to ask you a few questions about the killing of Alle. Please make your way in our car down to the station where each of you'll be asked a series of questions.' Said a police officer coming up to us.

'Um why?' said Violet. Caramel pushed Violets hand giving her a signal to shut up.

'We're asking everybody that was at the party at the night of the killing of Alle.' said the police officer as we all made our way into their car.

'This is so uncesssary.' rolled Caramel.

'I know' said Willow.

'They should actually try to solve this instead of just asking people questions as if it'll solve anything.' I added.

We arrived at the station as we got let out one by one.

'You young lady, follow me' said a police office while grabbing my arm.

'Get off me, I can follow you myself' I said whilst freeing myself. I saw the others being taken one by one too. He lead me into a room and made me sat down.

'Wait here missy.' said the police officer whilst locking the door. I'm sick of innocent people being blamed, if they can't do their job properly we'll have to do it. I looked around the room. So dull yet so much to say. I saw cobwebs in each corner. I saw blood on the floor. BLOOD? is that normal? to see blood in somewhere which is supposed to help you. I didn't have much ,more time to think. The man walked in again.

'Alright, let's see here. Rulea? Yes yes, well first. Anything said in this room stays between us and us only.' He said whilst taking a seat. Pfft, 'stays between us' whatever. Biggest lie I've ever heard. I nodded anyways.

'First question, was you present at the time Alle got killed?'

'Yes' I replied.

'Next question, did you flee aswell after you saw the scene or did you leave before?'

'I fled when everyone else did.' I said.

'Okay, I believe you was with your group. Yourself, Violet, Willow, Caramel. Right?'

'Yes' I said.

'The theme of the party was come dressed as a vampire am I right?'

'Yes' I said uncomfortably.

'You were stated as wearing a strapless, bright red dress with vampire horns and fake blood near your mouth.'

'Uh yeah? why?'

'You and your friends were shown at the backyard on the same time she was killed.'

I gulped.


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