Chapter 9 - Alpha Ethan

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Seeking her love

I gained a broken heart

Seeking their approval

I gained only their hatred

My future Beta did not even attempt to deny the ludicrous statement made by the old hag to my disappointment. I will speak of her much in disrespect because she did not deserve my high regard. Cold, evil and a devil she was.

"Enough of this insolence" father roared "how dare you think that an Alpha position can be given to one who is not of Alpha blood."

"It is the will of the people besides the Alpha is not even your biological son" Florence retorted. Father stood in silence, his body soon began to tremble. Mother quickly placed her hands on his chest, whispering into his ear. I needed to do something judging from the look on his face he was ready to attack.

"so you wish to become Alpha?" I asked turning to face Ethan. Tall, largely built, he looked like an Alpha. He even had the face for it, handsome, green eyes. Women could not resist him, always willing to give him their all.

"Yes" gasps I heard once he uttered the response, the people gathered could not quite believe what they had heard, and neither could I.

"you think yourself capable little Beta." I chuckled. "well pack laws dictate that if one wishes to become Alpha, they need to challenge and defeat the current Alpha so since you and the rest of my beloved pack do not want me to be the next Alpha, its only logical that you fight me"

"I will fight you. for for my people"

"You stupid little boy! Chris advise your son to cease this nonsense or else he lose his life" Father commanded his Beta.

"Alpha please forgive my son, he does not understand the repercussions of what he is saying, he is simply naive" Beta Chris said bowing his head.

"No I am not. I am not a child. Stop treating me like one! I understand everything. I know that with you as the Alpha, there will be no pack left to rule, the people are not safe with you" the sting of his words and the lack of support from pack members made me wonder why I swore to protect them in the first place.

"Beta Ethan. Do you wish to challenge me for the position of future Alpha?" I had hoped that he would make a wise decision.

"yes" he replied. Foolish boy.

"okay then to the open fields we go, let's get this over with" I began to make my way, I felt a hand on my wrist I turned only to find the disappointed and tired eyes of my mother.

"Vince don't do this"

"do not worry mother I know what I am doing"

"just let it go. they are simply goading you into making a mistake to prove their point. Go home. Katherine is waiting for you"

"my mate is the last person I want to see right now" agony I felt whenever her face came to mind. I didn't want to face her, not just yet. "everything will be fine mother. Trust me" I grasped her hands and let go.

On the open field we gathered, I proceeded to stand in the middle surrounding by pack members. I awaited my challenger.

Walking through the crowd coming to a stand in front of me was the man I thought I could trust to always have my back, he was my second, we were supposed to lead this pack together, yet he stabbed me in the back.

"Remember Beta that this fight is to the death"

"no Alpha please, Ethan stop this instant. Alpha have mercy my son is still too young he doesn't know what he is doing" Beta Chris pleaded.

"your son is 21 years old I think he knows what he is doing". Putting on a brave face he removed his shirt but I could see the twitching of his fingers and the sweat running down his face. "I am waiting Beta" taunting was probably not the best idea but I did not care for his feelings. still, he hesitated. "don't bite off more than you can chew. YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME! LOOK AT YOU" I uttered in a loud voice. "YOU WILL NEVER BE ANYTHING MORE THAN A BETA! YOU WERE NOT BORN AN ALPHA, AND NOW I CAN SEE WHY. YOU ARE AN ARROGANT, EGOTISTICAL STUPID, LITTL..." a large blond wolf lunged at me and knocked me off my feet, snapping its teeth near my neck, I fought back holding its head in my hands "the truth hurts ha?" I whispered in his ear throwing the wolf across the field, shaking his head, he growled and began to run towards me like a rabid dog.

Transforming into my wolf, I let out a loud thunderous growl that sent vibrations throughout the land, Ethan shrank away with a whimper turning back into human. Pack members all bowed their heads in submission, some falling to the ground. 

 "the Show is over, go back to your homes. Now! "Father snapped. My parents came to stand by my side with father's arm wrapped around mother's waist. Following their Alpha's command, Pack members ran to their homes and the field was quickly left empty, only a few remained including my future Beta. His father wrapped a shirt around him and led him away.

"Go home Florence" Mother said to the woman still standing with a small group of people.

"this is not over" replied the old woman.

"go away Florence and count yourself lucky that I have not done anything to you. Repeat the behavior you exhibited today ever again, I will throw you and your family out of this pack" Father warned. Like a stubborn little child, the old woman walked away with a defiant look on her face.

I felt fingers rubbing through my fur, I turned to gaze into the eyes of my mother "go home Vince. She is waiting for you".

Changing back, I put on some shorts I found in a shrub and headed home.

The house was quiet, but I knew she was there. I had hoped to reach my room before she became aware of my presence. I dreaded having to face her. I didn't know what to say. Only the hope was short lived, the sound of the door opening made me pause in my steps.

I was taken aback by her countenance, her red and puffy eyes, dry skin around the eyes and cheeks. It pained me to see her like that but I could not offer any comfort. My anger still simmered below the surface, her betrayal not forgotten.

"wai...wait please don't go. can we talk. please" she said in a croaky voice as I walked past her. Reaching for the doorknob, all I wanted was to lay my head on my pillow for a moment. Just for a moment.

"Please... I will leave after. My bags are already packed".

I felt like the breath had been knocked out of me. Abandoned by the one person destined to love me. All I knew was misery. 

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