6 | Warnings

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"He's in drama club with us and has been obsessed with Is ever since she first moved to Hawkins," Jacqueline explained.

"Obsessed is being polite, Jacquie," Isadora said before focusing her attention on her notebook as the teacher walked into the classroom. After class had finished, Isadora said goodbye to Jacqueline and then hurried out of the classroom before Steve had a chance to try and talk to her again. After her next class, Isadora headed to the cafeteria for lunch, grabbing a salad before walking over to join Kendra and Hazel at their normal lunch table and she smiled at them as she joined the conversation. The three girls were talking and laughing when Steve walked over to the table to join them.

"It's good seeing you happy again, Isa," Kendra said.

"She slept with Billy, that's why she's so happy," Steve told the girls as he sat down.

"And I told you that that was none of your business, Steve," Isadora snapped.

"You slept with Billy? What happened to not being one of those girls?" Hazel asked.

"I don't understand what the big deal is."

"He is going to hurt you, Is! He sleeps with girls for fun and then drops them when he gets bored and he is going to do the exact same thing to you," Steve told her.

"Steve —" Kendra started, only to be cut off by Hazel.

"I mean, he kind of has a point. We all know what Billy is like and besides, Isa, you said you weren't going to be one of those girls who just slept with Billy," Hazel said, and Isadora groaned at the comment.

"Okay —" Kendra tried again.

"That's exactly what I am trying to say. Is deserves better than someone who is just going to sleep with her and then drop her the second —"

"Okay, enough!" Kendra snapped. Hazel and Steve both stopped talking and looked towards Kendra as Isadora frowned.

"Stop talking about me like I am not here! What I do and who I sleep with is none of your fucking business," Isadora snapped.

"Is, we just don't want to see you end up getting hurt. Billy is not who you think he is," Steve said.

"I can look after myself," Isadora snapped as she got up and grabbed her salad before stalking away from the table. Kendra sighed softly as she watched her best friend stalk out of the cafeteria before turning back towards Hazel and Steve.

"I know you're looking out for Is, but I don't think this is the best way to go about it," Kendra told them.

"We just don't want to see her get hurt, especially not by someone like Billy Hargrove," Hazel said. Steve nodded in agreement before silence fell between the friends. Meanwhile, Isadora found her way to the gymnasium and relieved to find it was empty, she made her way up the bleachers and sat down to eat her salad by herself. After she had finished eating, she opened her book and started reading, not noticing Steve had entered the gymnasium for basketball practice, only to spot the blonde sitting on the bleachers, her face buried in her book and he started to make his way towards her but stopped when he noticed Billy was approaching her.

"What are you reading, Princess?" Billy asked. Isadora looked up from the book and smiled as she looked up at Billy.

"Oh, Little Women. It's one of my all time favourite books," Isadora smiled at him before returning her attention to the book.

"And you decided to read it here?" Billy asked her. Isadora looked back up from her book and shrugged.

"Yeah, well, it was quiet in here before you came in for basketball practice and I do have a free period now, so I think I might just stay here to read," Isadora said, although admittedly part of the reason she was here was so she could watch Billy playing basketball.

The Great War | Billy HargroveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang