[4] - Totem of gratitude

Start from the beginning

They haunt you most the time the thought of it, but you handled it well.

You let out a sigh and that's when someone suddenly sits infront of you.

You opened your eyes just to see a foreign looking man infront of you.

With his intimidating eyes and sexy lips, blonde hair.

You raised a brow, though he speaks up first, "Look closely, she looks familiar".

He calls out another boy who looks korean, you've never seen them before nor did work for them.

But this is a red alert for you.

You squint your eyes when you spot the other man who's standing beside the man who's sitting across you.

Wearing a blue cap and a jacket for a Police, inside the jacket you spot a Iron medal.

'A policeman'

You frowned and look at the foreign looking man guessing this man is also a police.

"Uhmm hey you're Lee Y/N right?", The foreign looking man questions.

You snapped back to reality, mostly people who knows your identity called you joen but when its your real name, they personally know you.

Therefore the thing is, you don't find both men familiar.

You didn't what to say yes first, so you raised a brow to him, "Why?".

The foreign looking man looked flustered, as the man wearing a jacket sighs and slaps the back of the foreign looking man.

"You're seriously bothering her, come on lets go", The man walks to the countee of the cafe, leaving the foreign looking with you.

Your face being blank and intimidating made the foreign looking man bite his lips.

"Sorry for bothering you- I thought you were someone else-", The man bows and before he could eave you speak up.

"I am Y/N, why?".

You had the thought of it, your last mission was yesterday and after it you're officially done being joen or an assassin.

It doesn't hurt anymore to be pretty open and off guarded a little.

The foreign looking man gasps and widen his eyes and looks at you, "REALLY?! Taeyong! I told you she's Y/N!!", The man whines and looks at the man who's at the counter gesturing him to shut up. The man pouts and sits again, you blink your eyes a few times looking at him, "May we seat here with you? You're alone right?".

You nodded slowly, as the man smiles.

"I'm Johnny, I'm terribly sorry for not introducing muself first", Johnny smiles softly to you, you just kept silent. Johnny takes out something from his pocket and shows you a card, his id Card. "I'm a police officer, also my buddy there is a Police officer", Johnny points at the man named taeyon who's still at the counter.

You nodded and closed your book, "What do you need from me??", You question.

Johnny chuckles and puts his Id card in his pockey again, "Nothing, Me and your step brother just wanna meet you". Johnny giggled.

Hearing step brother made you snap to him and frown your eyebrows, "Step brother what?", You ask.

Taeyong sits next to Johnny now looking at you as you turn your head to him.

Johnny gasps, "Wahhh you and Jeno really do look alike.. You're so pretty", Johnny gives you a compliment.

You bow your head, "Thank you..".

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