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After the coronation ranor helped us unload our new things into their place, I knew one of the things I wanted to do was get severus out of his abusive home. There was only one goblin who could help with that, RazorBlade the prince's account manager, I knocked before entering at the "come in my queen" he spoke bowing "Manager RazorBlade may your sword glimmer with the blood of your enemies " I said bowing slightly "and may your enemies cower at your name my queen " he returned, "good, now that the introductions are out of the way I need help, I have reason to believe that heir Prince is not only in danger but also has a mail ward around him" I said before watching as RazorBlade went through a multitude of shades before settling on reddish green "Proof of these claims my queen" he said in a tone implying he was only asking for verification not to doubt me, I placed the muggle police reports that I had mortem got me "these are reports from muggle law from neighbors hearing a man yelling, a woman and child crying followed by what sounds like slaps and punches. The man is Heir Prince's father Tobias Snape" I spoke watching as he got redder in anger children were sacred, child abuse was punishable by death "something must be done" he said before suddenly going quiet and looking through his papers, His eyes lit up when he found the paper "now normally goblins don't do this because we don't like wizards but once when clients couldn't be reached by owl we'd send a representative to make sure they were well and bring them in if needed " razorblade spoke "sadly, if it's in the muggle world goblins can not go, in order to keep the secrecy agreement " he spoke sighing "I'll go, I'll change to my human form and go, he'll be seeing me at school so it should help and if he has no living relatives I'll speak to the king about offering him a home here" I said hoping to save Severus from a worser fate "are you sure my queen, we won't be able to follow you" Razorblade asked concerned "yes, I'll have hades with me and I know how to silently and wordlessly cast a spell without leaving a trace" I said "Alright" he said smiling slightly "once you sense my presence in the building move to Ragnarok's office to make it easier for everyone" I said getting a nod in return, I changed back to my human form smiling as I missed my blonde hair and glasses. I shadowed to a dark alley close to where the snape's live when I could already hear yelling "You called your freak police on me!" A man shouted followed by breaking glass, not wasting any time I ran to the door and slammed it open "who the fuck are you !" He demanded drunkenly "Your worst nightmare" I replied as my eyes flashed black smirking, "Tobias Snape you have been charged with child abuse and abuse as well as murder, rape, neglect, child endangerment among others, I hereby sentence you to the fields of punishment for a million years, your fate then to be decided so mote it be" I spoke watching as the ground swallowed him whole. I turned to Severus to see him cowering in the corner, I slowly walked over kneeling in front of the scared boy "I'm Lilith, your Severus correct?" I asked gently trying to not spook him "ywess" he responded with a slightly younger voice
Yes snape's a little deal with it, also he'll have a sister bond with her only calling her mama/mom when he is scared or frightened
"Bad man gone?" He asked, peaking through his arms "Yes the badman's gone bubs" I replied hoping to coax him out of his hiding place, suddenly I fell backwards as he collided with my chest clinging to me like his life depended on it, crying his eyes out "Oh sweetie it's ok" I whispered rocking back and forth slowly. Sure enough he soon calmed down and he looked sheepish as he slid off my lap "don't be embarrassed, you needed comfort, I know what it's like not being comforted afterwards by anyone" I admitted showing him one of my many healed scars "Not that I'm not grateful but why are you here" he asked slowly guarding himself "I'm from gringotts, you never claimed your inheritance, I saw police records that showed sighs of abuse and knew I couldn't leave you here" I said looking over at him "Inheritance?" He asked confused "Your the Prince heir" I said watching as he slowly got more confused as well as guarded "My mother was disowned" he said indifferently "you were named heir before she was disowned, the only reason you and her never grew up in prince manor was due to Dumbledore's meddling" I spoke seeing the anger pass through his eyes "That old Goat!" He yelled looking murderous, I stood up causing him to look back at me "Let's go claim your inheritance" I said holding out my arm, once he grabbed hold I gave a quick word of warning before shadowing us just inside the bank "That's better than apparition" he commented, I smiled before leading the way to the office all goblins we passed bowed before going back to work "My Queen" Sharpblade and Quicksilver bowed as we stopped in front of the door "Guards, is Razorblade and Ragnarok in?" I asked ignoring Severus's slightly stunned look "they are ma'am" Quicksilver confirmed, I entered being followed by Severus, once inside my crown appeared on my head "My love, Razor" I said kissing ragna and nodding to Razor "Ah heir Prince, I'm happy my mate was able to find you unharmed" Ragna spoke before paling slightly as I growled "Unharmed my bloody ass, the poor boy was hiding from his drunken father who was throwing bottles!" I ranted wishing I was currently in the underworld to harm the offender, my magic lashed out in my anger, forming a protective dome around Severus while both Ragna and Razor had to take cover, suddenly I felt waves of calming energy wash over me "That's better" Mortem spoke from next to me, I leaned into my companions chest breathing in the familiar scent of death and smoke as he waved his hand and everything was restored to it's previous form. "Why was the shield surrounding him only" ragna asked curiously without a hint of jealousy "the impossible seems to happen around you little doe" mort said with a fond exasperation
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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