Dain, where art thou Dain

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I didn't bother asking forward and started looking for clues as to where he would be. Childe looked at me intensely and helped little.

"Wouldn't it be easier if I wasn't here?"

"Really smart Sherlock, but I can't do shit without you because you know who is and isn't an NPC," I spat.

"OK, OK, I just don't think Dain will come if I am here."

I ignore him again and forage around the roots.

"Got it!"

I ran as far as my stamina could take me before seeing a blue silhouette atop a root.

"Traveler, we meet again, and with Childe, I see. Well, I'm not shocked anymore. What preytell do you want?"

I blink not believing my eyes but stutter out what I hoped was English or the Language Of Teyvat, "Dain, I need to know if the Abyss is involved with the sucking in of People not of this world. More and more people each day are becoming desenders, and it seems like eventually none of Teyvat will be of this world!"

Dain pauses and quirks a smile, "The abyss? No, your "sibling" is the real master mind. I guess you could say yes, the abyss is your siblings' underlings, but in terms of the abyss' original intent than no."

I query more, "So you know which people of Teyvat are and aren't NPC's?"

"Yes," he pauses, "and some have been here since the games release."

I gulp and look over at Childe. His gaze shifts to his feet, and I know exactly what that means for me, "Is Zhongli a desender from the early years? He seemed to prevy on the idea of Childe and my marriage as if he knew something was a foot."

"I am not to disclose this information until you find your sibling and end this game once and for all."

Childe walks up to me and whispers in my ear, "This is why we are on bad terms he gave me a fetch quest and I did it for him to only tell me that you were going to be scheduled for desending from Earth."

I roll my eyes and push Childe away, "I can play lore games with you all day, pretty boy! Give me the damn answer, or I will make your head spin."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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