Cryo Goddess

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"Y/G/T, wake up, we have to get to the bottom off why we're here, and that means asking more archons so get up!" Childe hollers.

I get up reluctantly and put on a winter coat. Childe leads me to the raging snow storm outside and I find the closest teleporting wat point. I hold it and I remember the map in my mind going straight to Inazuma. Childe crushes my hand thinking he will lose me if I let go.

We arrive infront of the Kamisato estate Childe grips tighter on my hand. "Why him?"

"Oh please Childe! It's not him I'm looking for. Ayaka can ask for a meeting with the shogun, plus I don't feel like doing a boss fight to talk to Ei."

"Alright...but I don't want to see him. I've been fighting with him for years trying to get you in my endgame."

"Wait..AYATO IS A REAL PERSON? Childe you can't just leave him in the game."

"Oh no...he wants to be here. He was trying to get you to live with him so I couldn't end the game. He sits there day in and out living a fantasy."

"What do you mean LIVING A FANTASY??"

"You'll see"

We walk into the estate and immediately I understand what he means.

"Ayato, hey come on stop we have guests." Tomah chuckles sitting on Atayo's lap.

"Oh please it's just Childe. He has his endgame card here. What should I care what they think of me."

Ayato is sprawled on a lounger and completely naked only having Tomah cover his body. If it wasn't obvious enough the fantasy Childe is speaking of this looney spending his days in and out playing Master to his homosexual tendencies. Not that I mind...I was definitely shipping Ayato and Tomah... but this is a lot.

Childe winces looking away in disgust, "Rema can you stop playing Master:Pet with the NPC and fetch you sister."

Ayato got up and draped a rope over him and called for Ayaka. Rema? That's not a name I would know, so maybe these two know each other from Irl or maybe they were close at once... Ayato returned with Ayaka in tow. Ayaka gave an NPC like response and even acted exactly like the Ayaka in game, but something seemed off.

"Traveler, have you come to see me? How delightful! How may I help you." She states plainly.

"I want to speak with the Shogun as soon as possible it is imperative that she and I speak." I reply.

She responds as plainly as he spoke earlier. After pointless dialogue she finally sets a time.

The next day between 10-19.

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