Wha--?? (Female perspective)

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(This is the same chapter as the last. The only difference is that it's from a female perspective and will be heterosexual sex. I cannot stress this enough, because just in case, this is smut! Smut is not made for younger, innocent, or fragile audiences! If this disturbs you DONT READ IT. Anyway with that in mind let's get on with the story)

What was it? It was me totally getting aroused by him. As soon as I stopped struggling and relaxed he released me. Childe released me and got up from bed. He walked towards the door and locked it. How did it know this? The Click. After locking the door he walked back to me. He stripped himself of his clothes down to his pants. Did he want me to take off his pants? I gulped. Childe crawled under the sheets and started to undo my clothes. When he was unclipping the clip under my breast he paused for a moment, looked at me, then proceeded. After the unfastening of the clip was done my breasts plopped out of place. Childe gulped and moved on to my stockings. He slid his hands up my thighs and grabbed the stockings. He took them off gently to make sure they wouldn't rip. After he got to my feet I kicked them off, leaving the stockings at the bottom of the bed. Childe grabbed one of the stocking legs and tied my hands up while the other leg to tie up my mouth. After this whole reincarnation and a marriage that wasn't in the game—last time I checked. I was ready to make love to make my pain go away. Childe leaned into my neck. He started to lick me and I couldn't help but moan. After licking my neck he went back over it and planted hickies down to my chest. Leaving his last hickie he whispered into my ear, "Y/G/T, if you didn't like that don't worry. I have plenty more to get your blood pumping." He grabbed the clip from my dress and clipped the stockings to the bed board making it so that my hands were pinned without him having to hold me down. He unfastened his belt buckle and pulled it out of his pants. After that he undid the stocking holding my mouth in a bit position. "Do you want me to fuck you? I won't push for it. We can just have some regular fun instead of intercourse."

"Fuck me daddy," I stammered trying to hold in a moan. "Oh. Well if that's how it's going to be then I won't hold back." Childe rapped his belt around my mouth and gagged me over and over. I gave in. I submitted my body completely over to him. He ripped off my dress and grabbed my panties and chucked them across the room. I could feel his blood rushing and a sort of blood-lust form. He pulled down his pants and I could see the stains of cuming that had formed. He kicked off his pants and slid off his boxers. I would have never imagined how large his dick was. It was bulging uncontrollably and it was dribbling with cum. He finally went for the plunge. I grunted and panted by the feeling of his large cock inside of me. It was exhilarating. I moaned and bit down on his belt. I could feel drool dripping out my mouth. "Harder~!" I managed to yell through the thick belt and saliva. Childe smiled and with a grunt his went in deeper. I heavily breathed through the belt and not down once more. Then he pulled out. "That's enough. I don't want to get any deeper for today."

I didn't want to stop Childe...don't leave me like this. I wanna keep going.

We got dressed and I sighed. Maybe it's for the best we didn't continue.

Lost In Love [ReaderxChilde][TravelerxChilde]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt