Her forearms and hands was a curious sight, a very prominent red that seemed to cover them like a glove. They had a slight, red glow.

Under her arm was a little book-bag like thing. Inside it was her scripts and her laptop.

She was wearing sunglasses on the top of head, as she continued to walk towards her destination. The sun glinted off the lens of her lens.

She hadn't been out in the city much. But today, she decided to. She wanted to look for a good restaurant to eat in while she tried to write up the latest script for her movie. Faces of the regular Lung and the regular dweller of the city began to pass by ing,. She was not listening to the rumbling of the cars nearby. Nor paid attention to the neon lights that stretched up into the sky.

It was around 11:43am too, why are those lights on?

Screens above showed news of things she really didn't pay attention to. Sometimes the common rambling of the city and some trivia matters aren't serious things for her to worry about.

A few kids began to run on by, coming from behind her as she walked forward. When they approach, she put on a smile and leaned down to them, "Why hello there little ones," one of them turned around and looked at her, "Where are you going in such a rush?"

Turning, the little Lung child pointed forward, "The restaurant up ahead!" The other 2 kids stopped for him and they waved him down. "Bye miss!" He said, causing Nian to smile and wave back. Standing back up, she starts walking forward.

"Guess everybody's in the Mood for Hotpot."

Not thinking much, she continued on. Heading to the same restaurant, seeing the sign come, Nian lets out a breath of content as she starts checking her pocket. She did not pay attention as she bumped into a long, metallic object. "Oomph-!" She let out, backing away a little, "What in the name of Terra...?"

She turns to face the holder of the object, seeing a vehicle unlike anything she has seen before. Tracked, with a Tan make-up, covered with a sort of fabric that had artificial foliage, it had what looks like claw like bits in front of its tracks. There was 2 antenna like affixes that had 3 flags flying. One flag of a background of sky blue with an emblem. Another flag with a canvas of stars and 13 stripes of red and white, varying.

The 3rd flag was underneath that flag, and was a strange flag that she cannot describe.

On the object, there was a few barrels that were sticking out. One large one that was facing upwards towards the sky. 1 somewhat medium sized one that was moving all around, and 1-3 more that seemed to have been haphazardly attached and was moving all around. "Huh..." she reaches into her pocket and starts taking picture of the vehicle. There seemed to be another one, parked behind it, the largest barrel pointing upward, while the other smaller ones were moving around.

Keeping watch.

Snapping a couple more pictures, she starts walking away, taking one more look on the side, and seeing rows of block like attachments. On the part of the vehicle that had the big barrel, there was a star surrounded by smaller ones, and in Old Victorian - a language she was surprised to see - she read the words United States Army - Stay back.

"An army huh?" She turns away, seeing the weapons again and thinking intently, "Those look like those guns the Sankta are so fond and wanting of... has Laterano changed since the last time I checked?" She shrugged, heading into the restaurant. She was hungry, she had script to work on, and she was probably going to check these new vehicles out later on. She opens the door, and heads on in.

Taking a seat near the front window, after somebody waited her of course, she gets her Laptop and scripts out, and began to work. "Hello Ms. Nian," the person helping her comments which causes the lady to look at her and gave an energetic smile, "it's been a while since you was last here."

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