Chapter 1

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It's me, the one you know and love, Harry potter. It's been hard in the nursing home. Not much stuff to do here, but Herman is getting better looking by the day she is more Beautiful every time I look at her            (btw^its Hermione but to me its Herman)    

I walked up to her and said "hey Heeerrrmaaann." 

she is startled by me, and then she said, "don't startle me like that!" 

than i said "hey i may be 70 but you're a 10 to me."

she blushed and was flustered we were old but in love until Ron came in the room. 

"HEY SHES MINE!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. Ron and i were friends at one point but ever since my 70th birthday he has been quiet. Although i did here rumors that he was in love with Hermany, i brushed it off and went for it. 

" Me you after yoga in the corner of the tennis court that nobody goes to, we fight."

I was a little scared but not that much because he had laser wand surgery on his eye yesterday and was still wearing an eye bandage form it. 

So, after yoga, in the corner of the tennis court that nobody goes to, we started the fight.

"you want a peace of this!" said Ron. 

"oh yeah ill crush you harder than the whomping willow."

The suspense was the loudest thing besides Ginny and Dudley playing tennis in the background. Ron went in for the first blow, but I dogged it and the momentum from the blow sent him flying to the ground. We stood there for a second in shook he wasn't moving. He was dead me and Herman started to run/kind of speed walk we didn't know where we were going, we just needed to get out of there. we tried to escape but there were dementors everywhere. 

"What are we going to do!" said Herman with a worried voice. 

"We have to turn ourselves in." 


She ran back to the nursing home and then tripped on a rock and died. there I was, I had only one option left I ran and turned myself in and now live my very few days in Azkaban. But not for long...

Harry potter and the prisoner of the nursing homeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt