"Our home is always open to the weary traveler, have mercy my lord." the man says nervously, on his knees in front of the judge. The heroes feel their hearts sink when they see a child, and a woman holding a baby behind the man. 

This was going to go badly; they could feel it. 

This might be where they have to intervene. 

"I'm placing you and your family under house arrest until I get to the bottom of this. If what you say is true and you are innocent, then you have nothing to fear."

The heroes feel their hatred for this man rise, waiting eagerly for their chance to bring justice to this corrupt judge. 

"We are innocent," the man persists. "I assure you we know nothing of these gypsies!"

Frollo does not acknowledge this, simply shutting the door in the man's face and blocking it with a soldier's spear. He then turns to Captain Phoebus.

"Burn it."

"What." Captain Phoebus glares. 

Completely unfazed by the nature of the order he has given, Frollo mounts his horse and hands a torch to the captain. 

"Until it smolders. These people are traitors that need to be made examples of."

"With all due respect sir," the captain says as he takes the torch, "I was not trained to murder the innocent."

"But you were trained to follow orders." Frollo looks down his nose at the man challengingly. 

Without breaking eye contact, the captain backs up, and dunks the torch in one of the water barrels next to the house, dousing the flame. 

"Insolent coward." Frollo snaps. 

Grabbing another torch, Frollo brings his horse up to the house, and reaches the torch up, catching onto the windmill. 

Within seconds, the fire spreads across the whole windmill, and sets the roof of the cottage ablaze. 

The crowd, along with the hero's gasp, as parts of the house start to crumble. The captain backs up for a moment, before leaping forward through the fire into the window of the house. Beside them, the gypsy boy cringes, bringing one hand up to his face nervously. 

Luckily, a moment later, the captain comes bounding out of the house, holding the child and baby in each hand as the two civilian parents run out behind him

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Luckily, a moment later, the captain comes bounding out of the house, holding the child and baby in each hand as the two civilian parents run out behind him. 

Right as they make it out of the house and to safety, the cottage collapses. 

The heroes, along with the citizens beside them, sigh in relief. The heroes didn't have to intervene after all, the captain handled it. 

"That captain is a good man," Clark says quietly. 

The captain watches with a smile as the relieved family take their kids and move further from the fire, so he doesn't see the sword hilt before it comes down harshly on the back of his head. 

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