"It's not the same," I tell him, struggling against him.

He pulls me close, so close I get nauseous. "Don't tell me you're a slut, Hazel."

I finally manage to catch him off guard and push him off. "Of course not!" I yell.

The people on the dance floor stop to stare at us.

"How much?"

I back off until I hit someone. "What?" I blurt out.

"How much to fuck you? I'll pay. I've been waiting long enough."

He walks closer to me. Nobody is doing anything. I feel tears build up in my eyes. Where is Vince? I need him.

"McAlister!" someone screams from afar.

I recognize the voice immediately. Vince! The crowd splits. Vince pushes through with his assistant, putting himself between Aaron and I. They start at each other. It smells like conflict. Before Vince or Aaron can throw the first punch, the assistant from earlier speaks up.

"I would advise against violence here. There are too many important guests present. Additionally, the McAlister family assures the success of your secondary studies," he says, monotone.

Vince trembles with anger. "I think it's time for you to leave, Aaron," he says slowly, grabbing my hand with his possessively.

I only now notice that my tears fell, wetting my cheeks. Vince turns to me.

"Let's get out of here, Stiles," he tells me softly.

I wait for him to lead the way but he keeps looking at me fondly. I realize it's a simple request that I can refuse and that's he's waiting for my approval. I nod, unable to speak at the moment. He smiles, dragging me out by the back door and opening the door to his fancy car. I buckle up, looking at the shiny stars in the sky to distract myself, hoping my tears stop. Vince places a warm hand on my shoulder to get my attention.

"Do you want to go home? Or somewhere in particular? We can go to my place too, it's close," he offers when I finally look at him.

I stare into his eyes in shock. I have never been to his apartment. He doesn't bring anybody there, not even his hookups and 'girlfriends'. His parents have rooms for him to do that in the East wing of their mansion, isolated from them.

"Really?" I ask, feeling extra special.

"Of course. Anything you want, Stiles."

I blink my tears away, trying to laugh. "Why do you even call me 'Stiles' anyway? Parker is 'Stiles' too."

He smiles sweetly. "Because only I get to call you that. It's called possessiveness, that's all."

I turn away, blushing. "I'd like to go to your place if that's alright."

He agrees, starting the car and leaving his reserved parking spot. I text Parker, telling him I'm staying over at Vince's. He answers with a thumbs up and I just know he felt too tired to form a complete answer. We get in the building and slip in the elevator. Vince presses a button and I feel myself rise. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror of the elevator and my eyes widen. I squeal, hiding my face.

"What?" Vince asks, chuckling.

"I look horrible," I say sheepishly.

I feel him coming closer. "Not at all."

He takes my hands off to see my face properly. I stare into his gorgeous green eyes and he smiles.

"You just have some mascara..." He wipes my cheeks with his rough thumbs. "There. Beautiful," he says and my heart races at the compliment.

I always knew Vince was something but this, this is new. Did he do this to the other girls? Did he seduce them like he's seducing me? Did they feel all giddy like I do? Vince strokes my face lovingly. He stares into my eyes, then looks down at my lips, back to my eyes. My breath hitches. This is it, isn't it? But the the elevator pings and we have to pull apart. Vince walks in front of me in the corridor, ruffling his hair as if to wake himself up. Once the door is unlocked, I invite myself in. It's grand, with a lot of windows, warm earthy colours, and a private vibe to the place. It's very... Vince. It's just like him. As an apartment. It's odd.

"You like it?" Vince asks, patting my head softly.

"It's so nice."

"I know," he says smugly.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever then," I say, walking into rooms to find his bedroom.

When I do, I drop on his bed and let myself bounce on it. Vince follows me, flashing his perfect smile. I want to kiss it off his face but I don't. It's not appropriate. Not now. Not after his friend tried to sexually assault me and pay me for it. Vince must notice my expression darken because he lies down on the bed on top of me. I huff out a laugh.

"You're heavy," I force out.

He laughs dismissively but lifts a bit of weight off. "And you're warm. You smell weird though."

"Must be Neil's jersey," I shrug.

He grumbles, face in my neck. "Yeah, I noticed that."

Hesitantly, I bring my hand into Vince's hair. It's nice and clean. So is the all black suit he's wearing. I look around the room. It's clean and it smells like Vince. I spot a box on the nightstand. It's lid is slightly open. Inside, I can see pictures. My pictures I told Parker to throw away. My mouth falls open.

"Why do you have those?" I ask, a bit offended that Parker disobeyed so easily.

Vince shrugs. "Parker said if they couldn't make you happy anymore, they'd do the trick for someone else."

I frown and a smile stretches my lips in realization. "My pictures make you happy?"

He laugh, embarrassed. "Well, they're nice pictures... And anyway, not your pictures anymore."

I roll my eyes but don't say anything. Vince's breaths slow down and I go back to touching his hair.

"Are your parents going to be okay with this?" I ask.

"They'll have to be. What happened happened." He shrugs against me. I sigh.

We lay there comfortably in eachother's presence.

"Aaron... didn't do anything, right?" he asks weakly after a while.

"No. You came in time."

He huffs. "I wish I came in time too with Eve. I'm really sorry about that, Stitles. Really." He rises to meet my eyes. My hands stay in his hair.

I smile softly. "It's okay. I shouldn't have been the one hurting those girls in the first place."

Vince's gaze softens. "Hazel."

I keep going, ignoring him. "It's was stupid, and childish, and mean."


"And I think I deserved it. Payback, you know?" I say and he shakes his head.

"You didn't deserve pain. I was already stringing you along like a complete asshole, you acted the way you did because of me." Because it hurt me that I couldn't have him. He's right.

I smile sadly. "Well, I have you now, don't I?"

He cocks an eyebrow. "Wasn't I on a trial period? Did I finally pass?" he asks eagerly, crushing me again under him.

My Brother's Playboy Best Friendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن