Chapter 1

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(A/n): this story is based on an actual dream I had one night
I came home late from a long day of school and found my mom sitting right at the door.
"Paige, where have you been?'" Yelled mom. yes, my name is Paige and I'm a 13 year old eight grader. I'm pretty tall, I look older as you can see the goofy picture of me, I have long brunette hair with green eyes and I weigh 135. I'm just average girl.
"I had detention at school" I replied
"And why is that?"
"Because the teacher accused me of harassment to other students" mom narrowed her eyes
"You liar, you must have been out with some boys!" She yelled
"No that's not true!"
"Curse the day you were ever born!" She roughly grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs
"Mom why don't you ever believe me!?"
"Because you're a lying bag of shit!" She threw me into my room and picked up a belt and started beating me with it until I bled. I shivered in fear while crying, looking at my hands as they were shivering the most. I over heard my mom and dads conversation while walking down the stairs
"She's trying to tell me that her teacher kept her after school for detention"
"Ugh, she's a liar"
"Like I mean. what teacher keeps someone else's child after school without contacting the parent?"
"She needs to start making better excuses than that" more tears fell from my face as I went back into my room to sleep off all the pain.

Not was a Friday morning and I woke up, got ready for school and had one full glass of chocolate milk.
"Mom I'm leaving to school!" I said just about to walk out the door until suddenly a strange girl appeared at my door. she was tall, she had long brown hair and was super skinny, like those models you see on TV, that skinny.
"Who are you?" I asked
"I'm your new mother" she gave a nice smile and grabbed me by the arm, dragging me to her giant van
"Let go of me! I'm supposed to be at school!" I yelled
"Hunny, school is going to have to wait" she threw me into the back seat and locked the door. I wasn't screaming for my life, I was kinda calm just about to cry until I saw about 6 other girls almost about my age. they were all quiet and so was I.
"...Hi.." I said quietly but nervously. I got nothing but one wave by a girl with beautiful bleach blond hair and bright blue eyes.

It was a 6 hour drive in the van and we finally pulled up. the girls and I looked out the window and saw an amazingly huge mansion with two guards at the big black gate that we entered in. the field was as big as two football fields and the house was like a castle. from then, she ordered us out of the car and gave us some directions
"Hello girls, my name is Rhonda" she said in a sweet British accent
"For now on, you guys are mine and this nice place you see here, isn't a resort no... It's my place and I'm going to transform you all in the next couple years" she walked around all of us to check us all out. she gave us nasty looks while looking at us
"You guys are beautiful young ladies by face...but the one thing you all have in common is your're all fat and greasy, too big for your age" I felt completely insulted, while growing up I've never felt bad about my weight and have never been called fat, but this girl won't stop me from loving my body.
"You guys are to have no more than 3 small meals a day, and only 3 deserts a week. you guys are to exercise 4 times a week for 30 minutes to an hour...and if I catch any one of you fat pigs eating at a non necessary time, you will be sleeping in the attic for the night...don't forget that I own you! Rhonda was evil, not only does she have a hatred towards people who aren't 90 pounds and under, she'll turn them into it any way she wants. Rhonda took us all to our rooms. our room was on the third floor, it was the biggest, it was the size of a skating arena, it was huge. it was also beautiful with a large window and a balcony. we saw that in the room was 9 other girls waiting for us in there. 6 of those girls were just 10 years old and and the other 4 girls were 14 years old, just a year above and the 6 girls I traveled here with. The room had 15 beds for all of us and we each had our own dresser filled with lots of different dresses, only dresses. the dresses were beautiful and I felt as if I wanted to wear them until suddenly Rhonda laid her hand on my shoulder?
"Sorry but their size 2, you won't fit" she gives a smile. I put down the little black dress and hung it back up in the dressers
"the only girls that will actually fit in the dresses are the youngest ones cause they're small enough to fit in, sorry for the older girls, you guys will just have to stay in what you're wearing" said Rhonda
"So this is what we'll be wearing until we're thin enough for the dresses?!" Yelled a girl my age
"What if we get dirty?!" She asked
"Hunny, I'll wash your cloths and make sure you take showers" Rhonda walked out of the room.
"This is just stupid! She knew we weren't going to fit in those dresses!" She sat on her bed with an angered face.
"She's doing this to humiliate us, she wants us to hate our bodies so we can lose weight" I said to her.
"My name is Paige, don't believe everything Rhonda says, you're beautiful and deserve to be happy" I said
"Thanks Paige, I'm Sky" she shook my hand. Sky was also 13, she had brown hair so dark, it looked black along with her pale skin and blue eyes. Her bed was next to mine, and so was the bleach blond girl that waved to me in the van. she told me her name was Stella and she loved playing the violin. all 15 of us became friends, but we didn't memorize all our names. while waiting for dinner, we helped the younger ones find something fancy to wear out of their dresser. I met all of them and their names were
1. Lily- she was short, had dirty blonde hair with tan skin and hazel eyes
2. Samantha- red long curly hair, and green eyes
3. Alexis- short red hair and brown eyes
4. Hannah- wavy blonde hair and green eyes
5. Ebony- long dark brown curly hair with brown eyes
6. Ramona- long brown hair, cute front bangs and green/blue eyes
They were all 10 year olds with great personalities and were very smart. Suddenly Ebony looked out the door and yelled
"Rhonda's coming!" Everyone sprinted to their beds as fast as they could even though this was a pretty big room with lots of space and 15 beds that form a circle. I went on to my bed and pretended I was brushing my hair once Rhonda walked in.
"Dinner is ready girls, don't rush yourselves!" She said while leading us to the kitchen. The kitchen was really big, it had a long dinner table with 16 seats. 15 seats on the sides and at the end, the 16'th seat was Rhonda's
"Mm what's for dinner?" I asked
"3 broccoli pieces, salad, 4 small cheese cubes, a small bowl of low calorie potato soup and a glass of cold water" Rhonda replied
"Really?" I was shocked, that's not even enough to fill me after about 7 hours of not having food.
"But I've never had anything to eat today, this is all you're giving me?" I asked
"Listen, you're a fat cow, and to earn my respect you have to be 90 pounds" said Rhonda
"Now find a seat!" I went and sat next to Sky.
"Can't believe this is all we could actually eat" said Sky
"I's not fair" I replied
"ATTENTION GIRLS!" Rhonda yelled from the far end of the table
"Here are your rules before you eat...
1. You must chew at least 15 or more times before swallowing
2. You must drink some water between your bites of food
3. You must wait at least 20 seconds to take the next bite of your food
4. Don't rush or you'll be punished"
We began to eat our dinner. the food was amazing I had that tempt to take a large scoop but I just followed Rhonda's rule. suddenly I spotted Stella secretly taking in large bites and I whispered to her
"You can't do that!"
"But this is so good and I'm starving" Stella replied
"Alright, as long as you don't get caught" I said as Stella shoved a delicious piece of potato in her mouth
Soon after everyone finished their meal, it was time for everyone to get ready for bed. suddenly Rhonda came into the room and gave everyone some more rules.
"For the older girls, I'm giving you a night routine
1. You guys already brushed your teeth right?" Asked Rhonda. all the older girls (age 13-14) especially me nodded our heads
"So this is the fun part, you are all to do a night workout, so here's your steps
1. 20 squats
2. 10 push-ups
3. 40 jumping jacks
4. 20 sit ups
5. 30 second plank
6. 60 second butterfly stretch, do it now!" Rhonda yelled and walked out the door. all of us had to get together and do the exercise together. it was hard, even though it's most of our first times but I'm sure soon we'll be used to the pain.
We finished the exercise and helped the younger ones. Rhonda walked back into the room to see if we were all done
"Good, you're all done, now or the older girls who were too fat to fit into their cloths, I got you some white night gowns to wear for the night" said Rhonda. She handed it to us and we dressed into them. the night gowns were beautiful, white and long. it looked like the ones you see the princesses wear in the movies, long, wavy and comfortable
"Lights out" Rhonda closed the door and lights, then left the room.

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