Time flew by quicker than expected, and after the movie ended you decided that you were going to head for bed. The hallway leading to both bedrooms was already dark but you found your way around and once in your room clicked on the lights, illuminating the room. Since you were really tired you got yourself ready for bed and clicked the lights off, finally being able to sleep.

The sudden feeling of dread woke you from your deep sleep. Your heart was banging against your chest and your hands were sweaty as you supported your upper body on them. You were frantically looking around the room, trying to focus your eyes which hadn't adjusted yet.

The blurry mess finally turned clear but you couldn't understand what exactly had woken you up. A stuttery sigh made it's way out of your lips and you forced yourself to breathe normal again.

The paranoia is really getting to me...

Moonlight was slightly shining into the room you had long claimed as yours and you calmed down.

It almost made you want to cry, the constant feeling of being watched only to realise nothing was there.  It was exhausting. The woods at night specifically.

You zoned out, staring at the light against your floor wondering why your body needed to play these tricks on you when your eyes suddenly focused back into reality, still staring at the floor of the bedroom which was illuminated by light. Your fear came back instantly and your body tensed up, not daring to move a muscle. The flowing of light was interrupted when a shadow was slowly, ever so slowly creeping into the frame of light. You couldn't look at the window, but something was blocking light from coming in.
The shadow moved further seemingly in the middle of the window.

You couldn't move. You didn't want to move. It was as if your senses had been warning you about whatever was out there for a long time and you just ignored them.

The shadow seemed to stand there forever but it could have only been some seconds and then, as soon as it came, it moved out of view and the shadow disappeared. You were frozen, did this really happen? The shape, size just Everything looked humanoid! You let out an unsure breathe, still scared that it might come back. So you waited, fear and anxiety never fading until you finally got the courage to slightly tilt your head until the window was in view. It was gone, only the moon shone and made you eyes shimmer. On the verge of tears they shined even brighter and glistened under the moon light.

You couldn't tell if your heart was beating fast or wasn't beating at all. In an instant you quickly stood up and even though your legs were tired you were wide awake. The doorknob twisted and made an ugly sound to which you turned your head to the window and almost screamed when the outline of a head seemed to peer at you through the window.

You were out in the hallway faster than ever and quickly went over to Canadas bedroom, but hesitating when your hand hovered above the doorknob.

But as you thought about what just happened you instinctively opened his door and stepped inside. You closed the door behind you, stepping closer to Canadas bed and reaching out an arm to lightly tap him on his shoulder. He slowly opened one of his eyes seemingly confused.

"Canada..." you whispered, you yourself cringing at how loud you still were.
"Mhm...?" A groggy Canada asked
Now you thought about what to say next but it just slipped from your tongue.
"I'm scared..." you said weakly, feeling your eyes become watery again.
Now you got Canadas attention
"What happened (Y/N)? Are you alright?" He asked sitting upright.
You couldn't even form a sentence right now, your emotions intertwining.
Canada could see your face since the moonlight shone through his window as well and he was no fool. Immediately recognising that you must have had a nightmare or similar he scooted over in his bed, making sure to hold you and make you sit on his bed as well.

He didn't know...

Canada embraced you, stroked your hair with his fingers and whispered comforting words to you sniffing in his arms.

He held you, and you held him until you couldn't fight against the tiredness anymore and finally, after what seemed like hours, fell asleep.

Canada noticed you slowly losing your grip and after confirming you were asleep, laid you down beside him, covering you both with his blanket, continuing to brush your hair until eventually he fell asleep too.

[Authors Note:

I'm so sorry for not uploading sooner! School has started and it's been really stressful. As you might have noticed I was really tired while writing this, I just don't have enough time in the day to do so. But anyways. I hope you enjoyed the chapter even though I didn't have time to read through it and correct any spelling mistakes I might have made!

~sharkll ]

𝐀 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 [Countryhumans x reader]Where stories live. Discover now