"Attention towards you."

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Reaching her hand out, feeling the every curve of the wind, she directed her ikran to turn towards Neteyam's. Say kaltxì skxawng. Y/n's ikran shrieked at Neteyam's. Hey! You know what that means, right? He rested his hand on top of his head lazily, expressing his fluster. Yep, Lo'ak told me. She nudged her ikran against his, throwing him off balance, something only those that are close to him dare to do. They twisted around each other, playing with the friction between them from cutting through the wind, and did so while diving towards the ocean. The setting sun emphasized the joy shared between them, it's orange glow carving shapes on their body with every turn that they took. Neteyam looked across to Y/n with any chance he could, allowing his eyes to fill with admiration and joy. She remained ignorant to his glances, her eyes mostly shut tight from the thrill of flying at such a speed. 

"It's hard to think that was your first time," he rotated his body towards hers, feeling the moss brush against his warm skin, "you did so well!" "Oh yeah, cause I've rode a colourful big bird dragon thing after," she pointer her finger, raising her eyebrows sarcastically, "climbing up floating rocks before." He looked at her with an amused, yet confused, expression - most likely because he didn't understand the words she was saying. "What will you name her?" She unfocused her eyes from his, lost in thought. "Risula." "I like that... why?" "I used to have a lizard name Risula, she reminds me of her." "Lizard?" "Yeah," sitting up halfway, she pointed to a similar looking creating running across the ground in front of them, "that's kind of a what a lizard is." He opened his mouth mindlessly and raised his eyebrows to show his understanding. "That thing was your pet?" She chuckled at his expression, "yeah, she wasn't as crazy as that though." They watched it leap from a log, landing on it's back which caused it to wiggle hastily. Giggling to themselves, they got comfortable again, this time playing with each other's hands. 

They gazed at the movement, and wondered at the touch. Neteyam sighed, looking back up to her welcoming orbs, "I'm sorry for not telling you that she was going to kill you." Y/n looked at the Risula and Seze (Neteyam's ikran) who were pecking at each other curiously. "It's okay, it worked out in the end... And you know what we say," she lowered her head towards him, "everything happens for a reason." "I know... but I wasn't very," he motioned his hands together, trying to think of how to say it while Y/n looked at him patiently, "attention towards you." She smiled at his endearing mistake, putting her hands over and lowering his, "I know you... you're very caring and pay attention to everything." The exaggerated phrasing on everything made Neteyam chuckle. She patted his hands, which were now resting politely in hers, "Which means there must have been something on your mind." He quickly glanced to the side, making Y/n prod him further, "...maybe something that's still on your mind?" Neteyam was not used to being vulnerable, he had an annoyance towards it, yet he felt himself giving up from withholding his feelings. "It's just that I feel like I have to look, or be, or act a certain way," burrowing his head into Y/n's open hands, he sighed once more, lifting a heavy weight off his shoulders, "...so I put up this act so I can live to people's expectations." Y/n nodded, stroking his face. "Well, you can be flawed with me, and I'll still think you're perfect," his face rose into a cheeky smile, "plus, you can talk to your parents about it... I'm very sure they'll understand." "I guess, but they already have enough on their plate, I don't want to worry them." "You're their son, if they were to choose any burden at all, they'd be glad and thankful to have you as one." He nodded slowly. "Talk to them, okay?" He nodded slowly once again. "Okay?" Y/n finally got a verbal acknowledgement from him, making her smile widely. Neteyam got up, taking Y/n with him, "we have to get ready for your ceremony." Y/n jogged nervously, bringing her and Neteyam closer, before they hopped on to their ikran.

The Sully family sat in a tent, organising themselves for Y/n's ceremony. "Here you go, son." Neytiri, passed Neteyam a thick, white liquid in a wooden bowl. He looked up to Y/n expectantly. "I have to put this on your body... Can I?" Y/n nodded calmly, giving him a reassuring smile. He dug his fingers into the liquid, Y/n's eyes following his every movement, and guided them to her body. His fingers ran down smoothly, gliding upon every curve of her body. She lead her eyes back up, meeting his. Tuk played with Y/n's hair from behind her, telling her about this lizard that she met in the forest, causing Y/n and Neteyam to laugh. "No, I really did see him." "We know, Tuk." Neteyam smiled at his sister. "...and then I held it, and I named him Bob, after dad's ikran." Jake, rubbed his daughters head affectionately, while Neytiri looked up at him, beaming. Finally finishing painting Y/n's body, Neteyam gave her a hand up, while the Sully family stood around them. Mo'at placed a hand on Y/n's back, with the other ushering her to the opening of the tent, "you are ready... come."

Na'vi surrounded y/n, much like when she first grew into Pandora. Jake made his way towards her, Neytiri beside him, both neatly nodding towards the soon to be Omatikaya, reminiscing of what once was. "You are now daughter of the Omatikaya," Jake raised his hands to Y/n's chest, placing them lightly but definitely, then drew them to her shoulders, "you are part of the people." Neteyam smiled at Y/n greatly, proud of what she had accomplished. Hands joined each shoulder of every Omatikaya, making a webbed circle of people. Y/n excitedly smiled back at Neteyam once she felt his comforting touch. The Na'vi erupted in a cheer, upon every Omatikaya eventually connecting, and made themselves useful by gathering and getting ready for the long night ahead.

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