16. The wreck of our hearts

Start from the beginning

" I was."
"But the wounds look so fresh! How log have you been there!? How long were you in the hold of the death eaters!?"

"They held me captive at the Malfoy manner, they killed both my parents in front of me and... they knew about us. They had apparently kept tabs, I got caught trying to save my parents.
A second before I got caught in the cruciatus curse, I broke our bond. They tortured me everyday, for..."
"For how long Draco?" Harry asked with a somewhat stable voice, " for a year and five months and fifteen days to be exact."
"But- that's how long our bond had been broken-" Harry looked at Draco, petrified, " you where being tortured by them this whole time!? And- when did you even get to the st. Mungos!?"
"I was just rescued yesterday, I was at the hospital but when I saw the news of yiu and Blaise getting married, I had to come- but they told me I couldn't come as there was another mission, that were had been another sighting if the group of death eaters we had been following all these years..."
"Then why are you here? Did they give you a one day leave or something?" Harry asked, curiously.
"No. It was either you or them... so I quit."
"You what?" Harry couldn't process this.
He quit for Harry? Knowing he was going to be married?
He ruined his career for a one in a million chance of getting Harry back?
"Why?" He asked as a fresh batch of tears started to decent down his cheeks as he held Draco's face in his palms, looking into Dracos eyes.
"Because I love you. I could those bastards over you many times, but I only did that because ei thought you wanted me to... I wanted to make you proud.
It was much better for you to the the boyfriend of a Auror than the boyfriend of a Ex-death eater. I thought you felt the same so I-"
"No no no no... I never thought of that Draco! I never felt embarrassed by you! Never! The only reason I asked you to join was because I thought you always wanted to be one! I remembered you being snicker-ey with your Slytherin friends saying you wanted to be too auror one day back in seventh year."
"I didn't. I loved potions. I wanted to be a potions master like snape... but that was too boring and embarrassing, so I had to make it look big... my father always thought if I were to become a auror and a Potions expert, I would come in handy with you-know-who."

"If you just got saved, and aren't even properly healed, why did you risk it all ? Why did you risk it for the very small chance of stopping the wedding and having me back?"

"That's just it Harry. I didn't. I didn't know if I could stop you. But I had to try. Because all,these years, the only thing that didn't make me kilo myself was you. Maybe it was you resenting me, but I did feel it when you thought of me. Even while you walked down the aisle. I could feel you thinking of me. We could feel each other because we didn't brake it mutually, it was only i who broke it."
"Why didn't I feel you as much then? There was this time where I didn't feel you for a solid seven months."
"It because they got too close to figuring out your location. So I had to stop my mind wandering towards you. They tortured me every day. They would cut off my arms or legs and then heal it just to do it again. And healing boned hurt like a bitch, I know you have some experience with regrowing bones?" Draco smiled sadly at Harry who laughed a little too, remembering the second year.

"Maybe a little bit."

"Got I missed you."
"You hurt me a lot you know..." Harry spoke, "you broke me like anything that I'd ever felt before. You realise that you have the power the not even Voldemort had. He couldn't break me with even the killing curse, but all it took you was one I chant,met to make me want to die willingly."

"And as much as I am bout to regret saying this, I would do it again. Because if I had not, you and Hermonie would have both died in your sleep."

"You are walking on very thin ice to be talking the risk of being bold." Harry spoke.
"I know that. But I also know that you know I'm right. I know that even you would rather die than let Hermonie die."

Harry sighed, he was right.

"Merlin, I forgot how infuriating you are."
"You know you love it." Draco spoke as his heart thundered in his chest.
"Yes. I do. I still do love you. "Harry spoke as he pushed his head high enough to lightly brush against Draco lips.

Draco let out a tear as he help Harry's face close to him and kissed Harry as if he would disappear if he didn't.

Their kiss heated up and in a matter of time, Draco slid off everything that was on the dressing table and picked up Harry and placed him on the table, as Harry wrapped his legs and arms around the love of his life.
Draco took of Harry's pants and un zipped his own.
It took him no longer to enter Harry's tight arse.

" Oh got i missed you." Harry gasped.
" Fuck hare. I love you." Draco looked Harry in the eye and kissed him after that.
Draco hadn't moved yet, he wa deep inside Harry, as they had a moment.
"I love you too. Please don't leave me again. Not fucking again. I don't think I'll be able to survive another heartache." Harry muttered.
"I promice baby boy. I love you too much to hurt you . Not again. Never again."
"Move ." Harry gasped.
And Draco moved slowly, he pumped in and out so slow it was magical.
Harry looked into Draco's silver orbs and lost himself in him.
"Im gonna cum dray." Harry moaned

Draco spoke, "vinculum me mea"

Harry felt the broken string reattach as he came.

Harry had Draco again.

He could feel him all around.
Even in the silence he heard the sound of his heartbeat.

Draco took Harry's hands and placed it on his chest as he looked into Harry's green emrald eyes, " You hear that Harry? That thing beating inside is beating because you want it to. You have the power to break it, shatter it and stop it. I willingly give you the power to Do whatever you please to it. Because i know that it has belonged to you since the day i saw you shirtless in the showers."

Though love really did hurt, it was worth it, Harry thought, I'd rather love the hurt all over again than lose him.

My love for him can kill me, but his love for me can kill him the same.

Love does hurt.
But the love that's worth hurting is the love that's true.

" I love you Draco. " Harry spoke as he and Draco sat with their foreheads touched.
" And i you darling." Draco smiled.
"Always? " Harry asked as Draco replied,

"Always And forever."

-The fucking end -

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