Chapter 3: Permission

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Seeing the Na'vi imposters was enough, for her blood to once again boil with rage.
She wants to pounce at them right then and there, but what she saw next made her stop.

She felt tension as she watch Kiri and the others being restrained by the sky people.
She can't attack them at the moment, she knew the dangers fighting with the sky people and their lethal advance weapons.

Reniya calmy watch the situation as she backs away,
'I have to go back and report this to the Olo'eyktan and tsahìk '

Just as she was about to depart, she saw Neytiri from a distance with her menacing stance lurking and hiding.
It seems that they already know the situation.

Everything happened so fast in a blink of an eye.
Neytiri started attacking them with arrows, along with Toruk Makto's appearance.
Toruk Makto and a Na'vi named Quatrich started talking in a language Reniya isn't knowledgable with.
As they were talking Reniyas eyes widened as Quatrich pointed at Lo'aks neck with a knife.
Jake and Neytiri froze in unison, Reniya became so agitated that she finally threw herself towards them. Despite being a reckless move, Neytiri and Jake followed her suit. She suffered some wounds but successfully saved Lo'ak and the others except spider.
Quatrich and his troop escaped with spider.

Reniya made her way to the tsahìk and Olo'eyktan, while apologizing for her action.
"I am sorry for being reckless again Toruk Makto.

"Though you did something worth punishment, we can't help but be thankful for your help. You saved our children and that is enough to excuse your actions"
Toruk Makto replied.

"Don't scold her sir, if it weren't for me none of this would've happened" Lo'ak reasoned.

Reniya saw Toruk Makto was about to scold Lo'ak but was cutoff when her vision blurred as she fell on the ground, she heard distance screaming of Kiri yelling her name.
The last vision she saw was Neteyams Ikran, she wondered if that was a hallucination, because Neteyam wasn't even in the scene.


Reniya woke up again with the same pain she felt 2 months.
Once again she seemed to have fainted, she can't believe how weak her body became.
Sighing she simply held her head, remembering the events.
She stood up, although she suffered wounds it didn't really hurt her like the 1st time she fainted.
Eager to find the Sully family, Reniya made her way outside towards the Sully's home.
There she saw Kiri and the others eavesdropping their parents.
Reniya only noticed the shushed arguments between the Olo'eyktan and tsahìk inside.
She really can't understand much, her head still feels like spinning.

Kiri finally noticed her presence, and quietly made her way towards Reniya.
"Why are you here? You should still be resting. This is the 2nd time you fainted, grandmother said that you lost a lot of blood because of your wounds"

"I'm fine just a bit dizzy, Kiri are you guys alright? I really didn't got to check on you guys"

"We are fine, but mother and father is having an argument"

"Yeah, I can see that "

"Now shush, they might hear us"
Kiri said, which Reniya obliged.

A few minutes after their chat, Reniya finally found Neteyam staring at her.
She merely looked away and also began eavesdropping.

"They had our children under their knife, Neytiri pls." Toruk Makto stated as they continued bickering.
Moments passed with silence as Toruk Makto came out of their home followed by Neytiri.
Toruk Makto with a dreaded face announced to his children, his decision of moving away from the forest, their home.


Kiri and the others didn't protest and simply aggrieved to themselves, they can't believe they would leave their home.
The home where they grew up and made memories with.
Kiri was upset the most about is leaving Reniya in the forest .
Reniya was her only friend growing up till now, she was the only one who didn't condemned her as an alien,or a demon, but a true Na'vi and a firend.

Kiri saw shock overfill Reniya's face as she heard the announcement.
Kiri know Reniya's feeling about her elder brother but she didn't say it believing that one day Reniya will personally say it to her.

"Reniya, I can't believe I have to say goodbye to you my dear friend" Kiri sobbed

"Who says about goodbye? Kiri you guys are the only family I have left and whatever you go I go. I will ask your parents for permission to come, for the mean time keep it a secret"
Reniya stated as she hugged Kiri, Kiri stopped crying and hugged back.

"Oh Reniya thank you"


A day passed and today is the day Reniya asks permission.
She made her way towards the Chiefs home as she welcomed herself in.
Seeing Toruk Makto, Neytiri, and Neteyam almost made her go back, but she can't back herself now.

"For whatever reasons did you come here, Reniya?" Jake asked

"I am here to ask permission to come with you to the Metkayinas" Hearing her reason made Neteyam stare at her bearing a hole in her face. She wants to bury herself, it's been a while since she saw Neteyam.

"You want to come with us? Why ?" Neytiri also asked.

"tsahìk I am your second sons fiance and a dear friend of Kiri, I consider you all my family and wherever you go is where I am to be" Neteyam at the side clicked his tongue in irritation as he finally moved his eyes away from her. Reniya wants to slap herself for admitting her engagement with Lo'ak but oh well, if it can help her convince Neytiri It wouldn't really hurt.

"Besides I have already pledge to Eywa my dying loyalty towards the Sully's and I can't break my word. Please Olo'eyktan and tsahìk grant me permission to be with you in your journey " Reniya begged as Jake sighed

"You can come with us Reniya if you really want to, I must warn you that the ocean and the forest is different though. I hope you won't regret it, and we are grateful for your loyalty " Toruk Makto replied with a smile.

" I'm thankful for having you as my son's fiance Reniya, Kiri and the others won't be saddened that much now " Neytiri smiled at her.
Reniya blushed at Neytiri's gesture it seems that Neteyam really inherited his looks from his beautiful mother.
Reniya thanked them and was about to go outside to tell Kiri this great news.
But before she could disappear Neteyam walked her way and
"Hey I want to talk about something"
Reniya was obviously shocked but quickly nodded.
Neteyam dragged her away to a certain place, a secret hideout of her and the sully children used to play in as children.
She smiled remembering those sweet memories, she calmed down and asked Neteyam

"So Neteyam why did we come here? "

"I just wanna ask you if you meant it "

"Meant what, exactly?"

"Did you mean it when you said, you want to come with us just because you're Lo'ak's fiance?"

"Of course I meant it, why ask?"

"Nothing in particular I'm just curious"

"Oh I didn't know you were a curious one" Reniya giggled, Neteyam laughed together with her.
It was a peaceful and short conversation but both enjoyed every moment.
Neteyam didn't really asked about anything else other than that. As the night grew closer Neteyam asked to escort her home to which Reniya agreed gleefully.
They walked in each others presence with comfortable silence .
As they reached Reniya's house Neteyam waved her goodbye to which Reniya returned quickly.

That night they both slept comfortably with a smile plastered on their face, still remeniscing about each others presence.
Unaware of one another's feelings.

(I didn't proofread this so excuse my grammatical errors)

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